Part 11. Vs. Cardin

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Miss Goodwitch: GO

Cardin then brought out his mace

Chara just stood there

Cardin: The Bad time trio? Pathetic, you guys are just nobodys, you're all weak

Chara just stood there and yawned

Chara: You done yet?

This enraged Cardin


He charged at Chara but Chara dodged it with ease

Chara: Is that all you can do?

Cardin kept swinging and Chara Just kept dodging


Sans: It's funny how Chara went against Cardin

Papyrus: Oh yeah why's that?

Sans: From what I remember Cardin was such an Egotistical bastard and such a trash talker, but he never could back up what he said

Papyrus: Sucks for the kid, it's unfortunate he's everything Chara hates

Sans: What I don't get is why he hasn't finished him yet

Papyrus: I was wondering that since yesterday when he was being kind to RWBY

Sans: Oh yeah, he was being rather nice huh

Papyrus: Yeah chara hates Humanity so to be nice to them is a little off

Sans: Maybe he's thinking about a plan? Hell if I know

Papyrus: We'll just have to wait and see


Cardin: Huff..................Huff

Cardin was tired out after trying to hit Chara but he never did hit them as they kept dodging

Chara: *yawns* This is really boring, didn't you say you were going to mop the floor with me?

Cardin: At...least i'm not the one running away

Chara: Blah blah blah, all talk but nothing to back it up, it's over just give up

Chara began to turn away and in one last attempt Cardin gripped his Mace and swung at Chara hitting them in the Back

Cardin: Gotcha

Chara: Heh

Cardin watched as Chara turned around with a sadistic smile plaster on their face


Chara swung at Cardin with his Knife and it sent Cardin to the other side of the arena knocking him out

Miss Goodwitch: It's over Chara is the winner

Chara: Such a shame I've seen children fight better than him

Soon Chara was surrounded by Cardin's team

Chara: What do we have here? You guys his lackeys or something?

Dove: We'll mess you up

Russell: Get him

Papyrus got up from his seat and teleported next to Chara and soon Bones surrounded all three other members of Cardin's team

Papyrus: Now now, let's not intervene in others problems

Cardin's Team tried breaking the bones but they felt weak and couldn't 

Knives soon surrounded them

Chara: It's already over

The knives started hitting them and lowered their aura low enough to eliminate them

Chara: How much did you take?

Papyrus: I only took like 10%

Chara: Seriously? You took so little and yet they could barely move a muscle, I suggest they find a new career if that's their all

Cardin's team are all knocked out

As Much as Miss Goodwitch was surprised she Continued class

Goodwitch: Who's next?

All of RWBY were already in the arena with their weapons

Ruby: We're next

Yang: We want to see the power of the Bad time trio and why they were made famous

Papyrus: What a pain, was what we did right now not good enough?

Team RWBY shook their heads

Chara: This really is a pain

Sans then teleports next to Chara and Papyrus

Sans: I got this one, you guys rest up

P&C: Sounds good

They then teleport back to their seats

Sans: Miss Goodwitch I will be their next opponent

Goodwitch: A 1 on 4 battle?

Weiss: Seriously?

Blake: I feel like you underestimate us

Goodwitch: Alright then, Ready?

Team RWBY got in a fighting position while Sans just stood there

Goodwitch: GO

Another Cliffhanger, guess you'll have to come back next time to see the Rematch Against RWBY, but things may go a little bit different, but until then see ya later


I was going to put this in the New Bios but some people maybe Confused so I'll go ahead and put it here as well

Chara's Semblance- Tenfold- When hit by an attack whatever it may be, send it back with 10 times as much force, Still takes the damage though

Papyrus' Semblance- Steal- Take any amount of an opponents power and adds it to the user's current power, has to rest depending on how much the user takes

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