A bad time

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You look at her blankly not knowing what to say then Michael looks at you and sees your uneasy so he says "no sweetie I'm doing everything on online now I wouldn't wanna miss another birthday, an anniversary, or anything that's special like that again". Elizabeth says excitedly "yay which means I won't see mommy cry".

You feel your face heating up you feel embarrassed next thing you hear is Michael chuckling you cross your arms across your chest jokingly and stares at him. He stops chuckling and looks at you he says "I already knew so its not a surprise darling". Elizabeth says "daddy I'm tired". Michael says "ok come on". You say "I'm gonna stay out here for a few minutes".

He says "well I'll come back out then, just be safe". You smile and say "I will". You see Michael leave you sit on the dock you put your feet in the water you sway them back and forth you think about what Michael will do when he comes back out because of what you said about Felix.


I leave from the dock I walk to the door I turn around seeing her sitting on the dock swaying her feet back and fourth and a breeze going through her beautiful hair I smile and think to myself how did I get so lucky my thought disappeared when I heard "daddy come on I'm tired".

I smile and walks into the house I go into my bedroom and into Elizabeth's room I lay her down in her bed I cover her up Elizabeth looks up at me I say "goodnight sweetie". She asks "daddy"? I say "hmm". She asks "is mommy gonna be alright"? I nod and asks "why wouldn't she"?

She says "because she barely slept when you left and now since your here stuff has happened and I'm afraid mommy will get hurt". All of a sudden I vision about her not with me like now I think about her laying on the ground dead then I think about her getting tortured and yelling my name. Then I hear "daddy are you ok"?

I nod and say "yeah go to sleep I'll talk to mommy ok". She nods she closes her eyes I leave from her room I close her door I go into my room and leaves I close my door I run through the house I open the door and runs to her.


I have a flashback of Michael asking me to marry him when I was 2 months pregnant he said to me "I promise to never hurt you or our baby I promise I'll always be there for you and our baby I promise to always love you both so I'm asking will you marry me"? You get all teary eyed you smile widely and says excitedly "yes"! You then get up smiling you turn around and sees Michael running to you he then hugs you.

You get confused and asks "hey what's wrong"? He then looks at you and says "I promised I would protect you and never hurt you I love you". You ask "I love you to but please tell me what's going on"? He gets teary eyed and says "I'm afraid of losing you and everything I'm afraid alright I have been afraid of losing you and Elizabeth for awhile".

You say "it's ok I'm right here". He says "I know you are but every time you walk away from me, you pull away from me, you get overwhelmed and pass out, you get mad at me, you get kidnapped, you get hurt, you fight people, or when I heard you scream my name when max was here, or when you cry because your hurt I'm afraid that it will be the last time I'll ever see you, smell you, hold you, hear you, see you smile, or feel you".

You hug him and buries your face in his chest he quickly hugs you and rests his head on yours you say muffled by his shirt "like you say to me God won't do that to you". He doesn't say anything you two just stay in the same position then you hear a guard in Italian "Signore è questo un brutto momento"? Translation: sir is this a bad time.

Michael lifts his head up and let's go of you he turns around and asks in Italian "Cos'è"? Translation: What is it. The guards says "Harvey vuole parlare con te". Translation: Harvey wants to talk to you. You get confused and asks "wait what about Harvey"? Michael says "he wants to talk to me that's all". You say "I'm going wi-". Michael cuts you off and says "no your not".

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