Close Calls

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John 'picked' open the library door.

To use his first attempt wisely, the mage was looking into a few sections:

-And possibly Magical Creatures or Entities.

Since this wasn't a normal library, he could be a bit more straightforward in what he was looking for.


A dim ball of magic formed over his hand.

He decided to start with the back.
In case someone came here searching for stragglers, John would have time to think of something.

He had probably been there for over an hour.
It wasn't till he hit the religious and biblical isle did he find something remotely useful.

John flipped through pages, looking over each creature listed, making notes of their abilities.
This was going to take a while by itself.....he might as well take the book for a few nights and put it back later.

John flinched as he heard a door opening, then a crash moments after.

Peering his head bound the self stealthily, he groaned as he saw Filch enter.

As curious as he was about wether the hall monitor made the noise or not-John needed and escape route.
And fast.

He'll go around him, but he'll have to be mindful of his parasite of a cat.
Blasted thing could never be seen without him.

He's heard around that kids have gotten caught by that thing-as soon as she laid her beady eyes on ya, she'd yelled bloody murder until Filch came the other way!


Maybe he could paralyze or freeze the thing momentarily.....but that would get Filch's attention just by the sound of him speaking out the spell....

Nonverbal spells then.
John thinks he has a few laying around in his noggin somewhere-but hell have to think fast as they grew closer.

John shoved the books he held in his trench coat pockets, quickly diminishing his Lumos so he could make a move-

John almost choked on air as a hand covered his mouth.


Harry would have a significantly better chance lurking around Hogwarts with the cloak.

And that's exactly what he did.

There he was, on his way to library after curfew.

Hermione said that alchemy might be in the restricted sections, not specifically which one so that left a lot of ground Harry needed to cover.

But Harry was put off when he got there, the locks on the doors had been taken off.....was someone else here?

Harry needed to be careful as he looked, even while his form was hidden underneath the cloak-he could still bump into things including people.

Passing through the door, his curiosity spiked as he saw a dim lighting from the back.

Harry held up his own lamp as he looked over various spines of books.




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