5| Fake boyfriend

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The next morning, I am a woman on a mission. I dress like I mean business in a form-fitting black dress with a short blazer and killer black heels. It takes me over an hour to get to Manhattan on public transport, but I don't even care. If I can pull this thing off–and do it better than Milo–I'll be living in luxury with the sevens.

For some reason, despite being the last thing I want to relive on my commute, I think about that kiss. Not just the kiss, I realize, but him. Milo Woods. It's ridiculous – not only because he's Milo, but because he's my coworker. I'd made that mistake before with Lucas, been burned for it even, and I will never put myself in that position again. No matter how good the kiss was. 

After a few wrong turns – and nearly being mown down by a taxi – I make it to the top floor of my property. In a sick twist of fate, as I step out of the elevator, ready to meet my staging director, there Milo is. I step forward and blink like my eyes are deceiving me, which only amuses him.  "What," I say, "are you doing here?"

He raises an eyebrow like it's obvious. "This is where my apartment is."

"Oh," I say because his apartment being two doors over means I'll see far more of him than I'd like. Still, as long as we stay out of each other's way, things should run smoothly.  "Well, good morning." 

He raises an eyebrow at my chipper tone because, apparently, Milo Woods is not a morning person. His eyes drop to my outfit, and I suddenly feel exposed. My dress falls somewhere between smart and sexy, the kind that screams, I know what I'm doing, buy my property! At least, I hope it does.

I take in his outfit, a fitted gray shirt, black trousers, and another vampire-style coat that nearly reaches his ankles. Clutched between his ridiculously large palms is a steaming cup of coffee. My eyes fall to the cup, and I have to stop myself from salivating. I'd had to forgo my usual coffee break this morning or risk being late. 

"Why are you giving my coffee bedroom eyes?" Milo asks. 

My eyes snap to his. "These aren't my bedroom eyes." 

He smirks. "What are your bedroom eyes, then?"

I clear my throat and try not to think about our elevator kiss. "Wouldn't you like to know." 

Cheeks hot, I turn on my heel and unlock my apartment before stepping inside. The place – as expected – is empty, which means I need to ship in the furniture that I think will appeal to the clientele I'm trying to sell to. Looking around, this feels like a bachelor pad, and with the impressive addition of the Manhattan skyline, I imagine some rich tycoon coming here after work, ready to impress his 'friends.' That means that whatever I pick, whatever look I go for, has to reflect that. 

I spend a few minutes just staring at the skyline. It's not that I think I'm hard done by – I make a fair bit of money working for Laurelle up on six–but when I see a property like this, it reminds me that up here, it's a whole other ball game.

I walk toward the balcony doors and slide them open. A cold wind suddenly slaps my cheeks, but I step onto the balcony anyway. Up here must be the best view in the whole of Manhattan, and I can only imagine what it's like at night. With some decent furniture and an electric heater, I'd never want to leave. 

"Lucky for some," Milo says.

I feel him behind me, an invisible yet solid presence. I don't turn around because that's what he wants. He wants to see the discomfort on my face at him being so close. I won't give him the satisfaction. 

"I bet whoever buys it will be miserable," I say to make myself feel better. "They'll be standing on this balcony surrounded by people, but they'll still feel alone." 

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