Part 8

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Kiki POV

"Okay bye guys, goodnight" I waved as I grabbed the last of my stuff. Before I could exit the restaurant I tried calling Kaedan to let him know that I was ready. I tried ringing him four times and each time the call rang out. Now I got no problem in taking bus but since he already promised to drop me home tonight I'm tight. I tried one more time and still nothing so I left the restaurant and walked my ass to the bus stop while listening to music with my headphones. I stood waiting for bus for five minutes before it started to rain HEAVY.

"Fucc !" I scrambled through my bag to only now notice that not only did I forget my umbrella in the bag I had yesterday but I somehow forgot my purse home. As if my luck wasn't bad enough, the thunder came rolling in. I hate New York unpredictable weather. I shot Kaedan and text and this time I got a response thankfully. Unfortunately he's handling business in Long Island. This is actually laughable. Since East got out he's been extra busy and that's understandable I guess but don't guarantee me a ride if you can't stick to your promise. I ended the call so fast I didn't even realise I didn't mention that I didn't have my purse until like ten minutes later. I've been trying to shelter near a corner store waiting on the rain to stop ? Maybe. I would ask Christian for a ride but he is probably with my brother. I dialled Kaedan one more time to explainable my predicament with the lack of funds for bus but as soon as he answered the call my phone died. Yeah FML. Clearly I'm paying for my ancestors sins tonight because it sure as hell ain't mine.

I went into the corner store and headed straight got the cashier.

"Hi there um I'm having a hit of an issue and was wondering if I could make a call your phone please ? Mine died."

"Um..look lady-"

"It's important. I swear I won't take long please." I pleaded with him.

"Okay fine but my phone's charging in the back. Hold on a minute.You're lucky you're pretty" he said going through a door behind him. I sighed in relief.

"Why your hair all wet ?"

"Shit nigga you startled me. What the hell ?" I glared at him.

"My bad girl. I don't know why you so jumpy."

"Tonight is just full of surprises. I got wet in the rain earlier." I answered his earlier question.

"Here you go mam but make it quick."

I dialled Kaedan's number and practically begged him to come meet me.

"I could give you a ride." Shooter offered overhearing my conversation.
Well I guess I could've asked him for real. I told Kaedan that shooter would drop me home and handed the phone back tot he cashier after thanking him for assisting me.

Shooter paid for his junk and lead me to his whip that was parked right outside.

"Seems like me saving you is becoming a habbit now" He said. I'm not sure if he was complaining or not so I didn't bother with a response.

"You know this little scary cat shit don't make no sense. I ain't give you a reason to fear me shawdy" he added after a while of silence.

"Who said anybody was scared?"

He chuckled in response.

"I just don't know you like that Shooter and I heard all about you so excuse me if I'm a bit nervous around a notorious killer." I added.

"Fucc what you heard girl. What I done to you to make you nervous ? Nothing."

"Yet." I noted and he sucked his teeth. After that it was silence again and I figured that I probably should not have said what I did. He had a point. He never actually gave me a reason to be afraid of him. In fact he's been surprisingly nice to me well as nice as Shooter probably gets. Maybe I was being a little harsh afterall. Besides if Kaedan thought he was a danger to me he wouldn't have been okay with me getting a ride from him. My brother would never put me in harms way and I knew that much. I looked at Shooter and he seemed.. upset

Just One Chance(Rewritten) Ryan Destiny x Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now