chapter 20

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She scolded him, "Sam, are you mad? Do you know what are saying? If I find any guy, I will definitely marry him. Then why are wasting your life? Now, I am not child. That time, I was immature but now I am mature. I understand many things."

Sameer didn't affect from her speech but said nonchalantly, "Suha, I promise you and I will keep it in this lifetime. When you will get married and settle into your life, I promise I will get married and settle. Now deal?"

Suhana shook her head, "no Sam, I will not agree with you this time. Aunty is really good to me. I know she will never blame me but I will feel guilty for you. I don't know that time why  aunty and my uncle didn't get married? But if they get married that time, everybody knows you are my cousin. But now suitation is different. So think about it clearly. I really want to see you happy. I don't want you ruin your life because of me."

Sameer only smile, "Suha, I also wish that time, your uncle and my mom got married." It's true that Mr Mehra financial condition is better than Suhana's family. And Mr Mehra never misbehaved with Sameer. But for Sameer, if he knew before or since childhood that Suhana is his cousin, it will be easy for him to accept reality. He couldn't tell anything to Suhana because he knew her mind is clear. Even, for him, Suhana is his little sister but there was a hidden feeling into his heart. He knew very well it was impossible for them but he can't be at ease until she will settle in her life.

Suhana also knew it's complicated toppic for them that's why she changed again, "Sam, you met yesterday my colleagues right?"

Sameer looked at her and smiled, "Yeah"

She told, "my colleague, Sanaya has crush on you. Do you wanna..."

Sameer scolded her, "Suha, stop... Don't try to be match maker for me. If I find any girl with whom I am interested, I will definitely try to do work on that relationship."

Suhana nodded and smiled, "ok... I am only telling you. She asked me today to talk you that's why... By the way, you know I will not force you. Tell me which type of girl do you prefer?"

He smirked and told playfully, "like you who doesn't like anybody touch her except me."

She recalled what kavish told her, 'I don't like anybody touch you except me.' she shivered again to think about it. Ugh! Why was she thinking about him again? She shook her head again from his thinking.

She chuckled, "hey, don't flatter me."

He only smiled then she recalled something. She told Sameer, "Sam, you know namita went to foreign trip with brother in law. I am also collecting money and I wish I will go foreign trip at least one time in lifetime."

Sameer poked her forehead lightly and smiled wildly, "hey, if you wish to go foreign trip, I will take you."

She looked at him with blinking eyes, "Really?"

He nodded with sincerity, "definitely"

She got excited, "fine... Let's make plan first."

He laughed and they talked about what they missed since last few years about each other.

In Singh group,

When Ravi reported kavish that Suhana met Sameer in evening, Kavish rubbed his temple with frustration. Didn't he tell her clearly? Why did she meet him again when she met him last day?

Kavish already knew if he called to Suhana and asked her to meet, she will definitely ask for reason. Then why does she freely meet with Sameer?

It's not that he didn't want her to meet anybody else but Sameer was exception. Even, Sameer is her Cousin and she has nothing into her heart for him. But Sameer was special for her that's why kavish didn't want her to meet Sameer. Kavish wants the reason of her happiness will be only himself. He knew she has not good relationship with her family that's why he was not against her to be with her family. He only wants her reserve for himself.

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