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"You seem tired, I'll head to bed first and let you rest here" you plainly smiled. Your thoughts just ruined your mood. Who cares? I don't! Who cares of what I am to him? I can live without him!

You placed the book at the couch and walked outside but as you passed him he grabbed your wrist making you halt and slowly look at him. He was staring at the ceiling

"That night.. what happened 5 years ago, do you... remember anything?" He asked and you couldn't help but to furrow your eyebrows

"What part of what happened 5 years ago?" You asked

"When you were at my mansion" your face felt like it was red all over. He looked at your eyes like he was reading it "Do you remember what we shared that night? Our conversation..."

Conversation? I didn't remember anything. I just remembered I almost got gang raped and then woke up at his room. Did I say something to him?

He knew you were confused "Never mind, goodnight" he said and let go of your wrist

He seemed down, what did I say to him 5 years ago? You sighed and walked outside of the library.

"Have a great day, honey" you said to sam and kissed his forehead

"I will mommy!" He said and went outside to the limo. Mr Yanai would be the one dropping him off to school. Hyunjin was still at his room he said he has some papers to deal with

You decided to prepare him breakfast since he still hasn't eaten yet. You put the foods at a tray and went upstairs to his room. You knocked twice and he opened the door

He looked at the tray of food you have "Can I come in?" You asked. He didn't say anything but open the door wide for you to enter. You placed his foods at his desk, his room looked more like an office than a room

"Thankyou" he said and sat at his chair and wrote some stuff on the papers. You sat at his bed looking all over his room. You remembered this, it was when you first woke up at his room all naked with him beside you also naked

Although it changed a little because I clearly remembered he didn't have a desk at his room 5 years ago "Is this your first time seeing a boy's room?" He jokingly asked and you chuckled

"It's just that your room looks like an office than a room, your room look a lot like a room 5 years ago" you said making him look at you. What? Did I say something wrong?

"You remembered my room 5 years ago?" He asked and you nodded. Ofcourse who wouldn't remember the room of the first man you slept with "Is that all you could remember?" He asked again

This question again. You tried to read what's possibly at his mind right now but he had a serious and a composed facial expression, and it's very hard to read a kind of facial expression like that.

"Y-Yes. Is there something important that happened 5 years ago that I should remember?" You asked him and he just shook his head and put his attention back at his papers

"Nevermind it" he said

Your eyes furrowed at him. What is this man thinking? The thoughts on your head yesterday came back and it ruined your mood again, you're itching to ask him those questions

Hyunjin, what am I to you?

But you're afraid of what he might answer, you don't want to know it. Have you fallen for him to make you act like this? No! No! I haven't fallen for him! Maybe I like him but love him? No! Never!

Not to a mafia boss

He's still a mafia boss no matter what. A mafia boss who bloodily murders people without any mercy, he kills people, he harms people, and he doesn't regret every single thing of it

You're frustrated. You stood up and walked outside slamming the door behind you

Hyunjin Pov
She slammed the door behind her. What happened to that woman? I sighed She clearly doesn't remember anything she said 5 years ago

5 years ago
I leaned to the wall of the bar with my arms crossed. I observed the people at the bar, my friends just dragged me here without no reason saying they wanted to get wasted

"HYUNJINNN! DRINK! NOW! OR BARNEY WILL EAT YOU IN MACDONALDS" Jisung said and wobbled his way to me with a drink on his hands, some alcohol spilling on the ground

"Jisung, you're fucking drunk" I said

"Just drinkk! Get wasted with us! You hate your dad right? Then get wasted!" He said as if that was the solution to every problem in the world. He shoved the drink to my mouth and I tasted some of it, I yanked him away

"Ah whatever I'm going now" I said and started walking away from them, I got in the limo and looked at Yanai from the driver's seat

"We're going now Young Master?"


The car started moving but I noticed something. I furrowed my eyebrows because it was too dark but I see a figure of a woman laying down at one of the car seats of the limo

"What the?" I slowly got closer to the figure and it was really a woman! She slowly opened her eyes and suddenly smiled at you

"Hehehehe what a handsome asshole" she said and grabbed the back of my neck with both of her hands and pulled her closer to her until her lips landed on mine. My eyes went wide

This is sexual assault!

I pushed the woman away but she kept coming closer to me. What the hell is this woman a crazy psychopath? My head started hurting and she kissed me again. I don't know why but I started kissing her back

The car stopped and I opened the door and got outside with the woman. Yanai was caught off guard by the woman

"W-Who's this!?" He asked

"I don't know but i'll keep her inside the mansion and ask if she's some spy or something" I said and dragged the woman inside the house and to upstairs, she suddenly pushed me against the door of my room making it open and we landed to the ground

She started roughly kissing me. What the heck is this woman's problem!? My head started aching again and before I knew it we were already at the bed, naked.

It was like I couldn't control my body anymore "Ah I remember youuu~ you're Hwang Hyunjin! The famous mafia daddy"

Mafia what!?

"I heard you don't like your father- hic! I mean I can't blame you, you're father looked like a total douchebag! But you know- hic! Even if you don't like him you're lucky to have a father" I stopped and looked at her "Even if he's a total douchebag he's still your father and your still his son and nothing can change that. Even if you're in front of a crisis you and your dad we'll be together because you're family!- hic! You're one lucky handsome asshole hehehe- hic!" She landed her lips on mine

"You're not alone, you know?-hic! Even if the world turns its back on you, there's me! I will be with you even if the world also turns its back on me!" She said and smiled showing her white teeth

end of flashback

Yeah, she doesn't remember that.

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