Heartfelt Reunion

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A/N - A Tyrion POV, 'cause... why not?

He was talking with Queen Daenerys Targaryen when the guardsman entered, saying that a peasant wanted to see him. 

Daenerys snorted at him. "A peasant?" she asked, mockingly.

Tyrion's own mind was reeling. Who could it be? Which all peasants I have met?

Then he hurriedly excused himself from Daenerys, who was mildly amused. Then he went down, and saw Tysha.

For one moment, their eyes met. Then Tysha tackled Tyrion into the cold snow.

"Tyrion!" she exclaimed.

Tyrion was too surprised to say anything. He finally managed, "It's cold out here, let's go inside to my quarters."

Tysha lovingly followed Tyrion up the steps, but when Tyrion opened the door, Daenerys stood inside.

Oh, Seven save me, thought Tyrion.

What Daenerys did next was unexpected. Tyrion had expected her to give a huge argument to him for loving a peasant, but she smiled. And then she hugged Tysha.

Tysha's jaw dropped to the floor. "Yo- Your Grace?"

"I am not discourteous to any person who loves my Hand." Then, with a smile, Daenerys left the room.

Now it was Tyrion's turn to knock Tysha over. "Tysha?" he said, with awe.

"My lord of Lannister." With that, they kissed.

They were still locked in each other's arms so tight that they did not notice Daenerys come in with Aegon and Rhaegar.

Aegon's laugh was all Tyrion needed to get up from the bed. "Highnesses," said Tyrion. "What brings you here?"

"Daenerys." said Rhaegar.

Tyrion snorted. Daenerys heard that, and giggled.

"Don't worry, we're not here to scold you." said Aegon.

Tyrion said, "Why would you, Young Griff? Didn't I help tutor you?"

He had meant it as a joke, but Aegon's face turned sad. "Don't call me Young Griff," he said in a small voice. "Griff is almost dead."

That was something new to Tyrion. "Lord Connington? What happened?"

This time Rhaegar was the one to answer. "My dear friend Lord Jon Connington had a greyscale which he did not bother to tell us."

"Which he got from rescuing you," Aegon suddenly said.

Tyrion felt guilty all over again. "I did not know this," he squeaked.

Rhaegar spoke up. "It is possible that Lord Jon may yet live. We have more pressing matters on hand. We march on the morrow."

Tyrion stood. "I understand Winterfell has been repaired, but the Wall? How can it be rebuilt in two days?"

Daenerys said, "That work will go to the Night's Watch. We have to conquer the south."

Tyrion saw the meaning in her words. But the doubts still lingered. "What if-" he started.

"The dead again attack? They won't, Lord Hand, they won't." said Rhaegar.

"Especially when they see you kissing with your long lost - friend?" said Daenerys.

They all shared a laugh. "She's my long lost wife," explained Tyrion, smiling. Tysha blushed.

"Anyways, remember to come to the  common hall tonight," said Aegon. "We will discuss the best way to attack."

"I will." replied Tyrion.

Later that night, Tyrion descended the great stone steps into the common hall, where he was offered a seat by Queen Daenerys's own, as befit his rank as Hand. Then he saw a wonderful placement, and excused himself from Daenerys. He sat between Jaime and Sansa.

Sansa had been surprised to see Tyrion after so many months, but what Tyrion was surprised about was Sansa's growth. Last he had seen her, Sansa had been a scared little lady, hiding behind a wall of courtesies. The Sansa in front of him was longer, and wittier. 

On the other hand, and Tyrion didn't mean it as a pun, Jaime had not changed. He had changed a little bit, Tyrion could see that now. He must have knocked some sense into him when he exposed Cersei.

A sharp knock on the table drew the others towards Rhaegar. "The plans will start now." he announced.

Tyrion sighed. "Another time," he murmured.

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