Author's Note

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I would like to thank all my lovely readers for making it this far, for taking the time out of your lives to read something that I had written. If it wasn't for all the reads, votes, comments and follows I have received, I never would have finished this book! They encouraged me to stop procrastinating, work harder, and keep going!

I only intended on writing one book, and I had originally written a different ending for Clay's Cottage. But I wasn't ready to end Nicholas and Tilly's story just yet. I felt like there were so many more adventures I could take them on. So I hope you will all join them on their adventure in Book Two! (I have dropped some hints in Clay's Cottage that will become the storyline for Book Two 🤭.)

I aim to start the next book in the new year. I wish to spend the rest of 2020 editing Clay's Cottage and making it the best I can.

So, thank you again, and if you haven't already, hit that little star or leave me a comment!

Just a little update for you all - I have started book two! 😮 Not only that, I'm excited to announce that the final, edited and extended version of Clay's Cottage is available to buy on Amazon as an eBook! Link in profile. (This draft version will remain on Wattpad for free.)

Another update - Clay's Cottage is now available in paperback! 📚 You can grab your very own copy on Amazon or signed copies are available to purchase on my website. Links in profile!

- Tricia Joy
Instagram: @triciajoyauthor

Clay's Cottage (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ