ep 4 ~ the motel key

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The pogues hadn't intended on gaining a new member that summer, much less one they only knew through bitter stories from Kiara. So it was a massive shock when Luna B, as she was now becoming known, was introduced to them by none other than Kiara herself that afternoon in the kook academy parking lot.

It was an even bigger surprise when she leaped onto the HMS Pogue that day after the hurricane. An impressive surprise. At first they were sceptical, they all were, even if they didn't say so. And that skepticism remained until she was catapulted off of their boat and dove down into the marsh water on no other basis than their suggestion of a boat being down there.

That proved that Luna B had a pogue heart; she was loyal and reckless and fun. Sure, Kie had repeatedly warned them already about her old friends commitment issues in terms of maintain a friendship. But they were willing to risk that for how well she automatically fitted in with their group. And also because Kiara had regularly complained about being the only girl and wanted someone at least slightly less brutish to accompany her on their travels.

Now she might not quite get that wish with Luna, but at least it was something and, if Kiara was really honest, she'd missed the kind of wacky girl.

Luna however hadn't really thought that her following them into the marsh waters might be an initiation ceremony of sorts, she'd dived because it was an adventure and because Pope had been so excited about his discovery. But mostly because it was an adventure. But it was her proving herself in the end and, though she wouldn't realise it right away, Luna would be immensely grateful that she'd leaped onto the the HMS Pogue on that august morning. Even if the muddy water was burning her eyes.


As we pulled ourselves deeper down through the water the wreckage became clearer. It was bright white and rather small but it didn't look old, probably a new wreck. A jolt of shock goes through me as I realise it looks to be the same Grady White that I saw bobbing about in the storm when I was surfing. It really must be a new wreck.

We all made it to the deck, barely swimming around the boat before my lungs started to call out for air. One by one we grabbed a hold of the boat and rotated our bodies so we were facing the surface. Then, kicking off with all the strength in my legs, we each propelled ourselves up to said surface, emerging almost as one.

"You guys saw that right?" Exclaims JJ, shaking water from his face.

Breathless "yeah."'s are heard from the group as we all tread water above the wreckage.

"Oh my God!" Laughs John B and soon we're all joining him, amazed by our find.

"That's a Grady White!" Cheers JJ with a grin, "a new one of those is like 500 Gs easy."

Still out of breath and laughing we swim back to the HMS Pogue and clamber aboard John B offers me a hand once he gets in and, with his and Pope's hands, I haul myself onto the boat - finally noticing how much my back and right side are aching from my fall off of the boat. The bruises are already starting to show.

"Okay!" Grins John B over my head in JJ's direction,

"That's a primo rig." Continues the blonde boy as if he's still trying to get his head around it.

"Yeah, that checks out." I nod along, slipping past the boys and dropping down to sit on the bow of the boat. I'd be lying if I said that hadn't kind of worn me out.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." John B rushes out as though he's trying to get to a point really quick,

"That's the boat I saw when I surfed the surge." I cut in from my position half laid down,

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