7. On the run

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James' p.o.v.

We are currently making our way through the store, on the search for a new set of sheets or two, since Noah decided to let his wolf take control after Luke challenged him again and he started chasing our human mate through the house. Needless to say, some things got broken and somehow, the sheets of our bed got destroyed in the process by Noah having his fangs out.

I remember laughing my ass off at the face Wilder made when he saw that mess. I love those three so much...
But there has been something that was  bothering me for a while now. I don't know how to explain it but something feels off.

Well, anyway, we are making our way to the area where all the beds are. Different sizes and colours are on display but we need something different because our bed needs to hold three and a half (wink) grown men in it and that means we need massive covers. We're probably going to have to get them specially made, like our bed was, but it doesn't hurt to look around.

Luke is currently making a sassy comment towards Noah after him trying to blame Luke for the ripped sheets. It's actually quite adorable how Noah's always bickering with our mate and frowning when he doesn't get his way. It brings a smile to my face every time.

I snap out of my thoughts when Luke lets himself fall dramatically on one of the beds in front of us, having the decency to not put his shoes on it. I laugh at his childish behavior. He has really gotton used to us by now, I think. The night we met him, we obviously didn't want to take him against his will and make him so afraid but humans don't sense their mates as strongly as we do. Considering that and the time we have waited for him, it is actually Kind of a surprise that we didn't mate with him right then and there. But we knew it wasn't the right time nor place, with that son of a bitch who tried to harm him still lying in that alley. We only took what is ours and we were just doing what we could to not cause a scene in the middle of the night.

"If you weren't so disobedient all the time then I wouldn't have done it" Noah replies back. I smirk.

"Well you know I'm not one to back down easily. I have my own way and I won't be ordered around by some guys who think they own the world" Luke said getting up from the bed and walking to another one. I follow him."Oh is that so" I say as I grab his shoulder, spin him around and we land on a bed with red sheets with a thud, me on top of him. "I think we've got a lot to teach you then", I lower my voice and speak into his ear, smirking when I feel him shudder under me. I love the way he reacts to me.

Suddenly, I smell something.... Something sweet. It's heavenly. It isn't Luke, he smells different from this. It must be something else. I reach over to my side, as I let go of Luke who looks at me, confused.

On one spot the smell is the strongest and I could drown in it. I take the sheets and breathe in deeply. Mate.

I see Luke looking at me like I've lost my mind. Then I turn towards Noah and Wilder who have turned as serious as me. "You need to smell this", I say through our mind link, giving them space to take turns smelling it. "But that's impossible" Noah looks between Wilder and I.

"...No, we never even knew how many we would have, we just knew that Luke was one of them...What if we just didn't know?", Wilder tells us. It makes sense. The feeling I've been feeling these last few days is the craving for my last mate. "Have you felt it too then the last weeks?" I look at Wilder and Noah. They both nod, now knowing exactly what I mean.

"Could someone please tell me what the hell's going on?" Luke interrupts our racing thoughts as he looks at us confused.

"How could we be so stupid?" is all Noah says as he suddenly starts running, following the very faint scent.

"What?", Luke asks, now more confused than before.

"We have another mate" Wilder tells him, also setting off. Luke stares at me wide eyed.

"I'll stay with Luke", I say through the mind link and we both make our way out of the store, going towards the car. "What? How is that even possible? Another one? Is it an alpha? Because I can't deal with any more posessiveness. Can you smell who they are?"
Luke bombards me with questions as we sit in the car and close the doors.

"Well first of all, yes, there is another one and we didn't know and that explains Noah's comment in there. And no, he's not an alpha... he's an omega." I smile at the last part.

I've always dreamed of having an omega as a mate, not that I don't adore the mates I have but there was always something about omegas that just got to me.

"You mean the lowest rank of werewolves, right?", Luke says, genuinely interested. "Well yes but that doesn't mean that omegas are less important in the pack. The opposite in fact, Omegas are extremely valued for their beauty, kindness and caring nature. They must be protected because their scent alone can lure alphas and betas in. The only thing omegas are bad at is protecting and caring for themselves." I only realize that my knuckles were turning white while holding the steering wheel, when Luke softly puts his hand over mine. I sigh and take his hand and kiss it, while looking at him.

After we stared in each other's eyes for a while, Luke eases my tension as he says:"Great! Another wolf. Now I'm the only one who is normal." He sighs dramatically with a humorous smile on his face and looks  straight ahaid again. I smirk at him as I lean in and kiss him passionately. "You are not normal, you are just as special as our other mate is. Nothing will change that, understand?", I say, knowing that he is slightly afraid that he doesn't have a place in our weird werewolf relationship.

"I love you", Luke blurts out and quickly turns red and avoids my gaze. My heart skips a beat and I kiss him again, this time even more passionately. "I love you too", I say after I let go of him and start the engine of the car. "Now, let's find our other mate!" I am so excited to finally meet him, is what I think as I set off into the direction Wilder and Noah have gone to.


Wilder's p.o.v.

Fuck, we lost him. We were following the scent as best as we could but it is turning too faint, with all these other people's scents mixing at all times.

I curse under my breath. If we could change into our wolf forms, it would be way easier to smell for him but we can't do that in a crowded city. Humans don't know about werewolves and things should stay that way. That's what all the packs agreed upon.

I look at Noah, who looks as distressed as I am. We should be better alphas. Not only did we almost forget that we even had another mate but now, we can't even track his scent? We should be the protectors of our weaker mates and now that we have found out that our last one is an omega, our protective alphas are going crazy. He could be in constant danger.

"Let's go back",I tell Noah. He curses under his breath but starts following me back.
We find the Jeep not far from the store, driving towards us. As James spots us, he stops and lets us in the backseat.

"Nothing?", he says after we have closed the doors. "We lost his scent in the crowd", Noah says looking out the window, trying to contain his anger.

We need to make a plan."Let's go home and think about how we are going to do this. I'm not letting him slip through my fingers next time.", I say determined to find him. The car is silent but I know that everyone agrees with me.

We're coming for you, mate.

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