7. Cute Little Bro

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It was already dusk when the two brothers walked home from the pharmacy. Li Jie's shoulders felt numb and his mouth go dry. The body he was dwelling lacked a bit of muscles and amount of excercise. That's why, a single and downhill jobs were a bit much of a hassle for him. His previous strength still the same way as now however, his body now and before was a bit different. Hence, he still had to spend some time to control the body he was staying. Cheung Chao noticed that his brother looked weary, his face downcast.

'He must have been so tired helping me today. After all, he never worked and spend his time in the house all the time.' he thought.

He halted his steps and approached his hand on Li Jie's shoulder resulting from the latter to stop his steps too.

"Yes brother?" Li Jie asked as he looked back at Cheung Chao, his voice sounded a bit blue.

"You are tired. Want a piggyback?" Cheung Chao smiled as he looked at his brother. Li Jie smiled and nodded energetically. Once again, his brother was attacked by the power of meng. He kept asking himself, "Why is our little brother so cute?!"

Li Jie hurriedly jumped at Cheung Chao's back and wrapped his hands on his big brother's neck and his legs on his waist. Li Jie felt like his muscles relaxed comfortably. He was thankful for having such a kind brother but at the same time, he cursed the Gods who put him inside the imp's body. Not that he complained with his life, it's because he wanted to be manly too just like the General.

Speaking about the General, Li Jie wondered about him after he ran away from the first night ritual. After that, he didn't get to see the General again. Moreover, Li Jie was sure that the General will not leave him that simply. He knew that the General was planning something to get him on his hands. And as a canny person, he will not going to lose for a someone like him.

Too bad ah! The General is too handsome to be a cut-sleeve! He thought.

After a stride of steps and they arrived at the house. As the two brothers decided for a knock on their door, it suddenly smacked open and the two of them were pulled by Chang Bao. Li Jie looked at his anxious brother as he gripped his and Cheung Chao's hand, dragging them to their small living room. He let them sit on the fluffy chair beside the window of their living room and the two confused brothers looked at each other. At the same time they looked at Chang Bao who was agitated by something in which they don't know.

"Brother, you don't have work today? I think this day is your duty schedule. Why are you here?" Cheung Chao asked. Li Jie on the side of Cheung Chao slanted his head out of confusion. What could Chang Bao possibly do now that his brother unconsciously exposed from the outside world and is also prone to danger? Any minute now or maybe in the future, someone will break into their house and ruthlessly abduct him. How could he, as the oldest brother to leave this matter alone?

Not that Li Jie couldn't handle it, but they always thought that his brother is the same as before. In their eyes, Li Jie is still that delicate and innocent young man, although he changed after that incident happened.

But they didn't know that the Li Jie now is far different from the previous. Hidden with those delicate appearance, the murder intent inside him remained unchanged.

After all, he is a cunning person.

"Li Jie, why don't you go into your room? I'll prepare dinner later." Chang Bao said to Li Jie, he gave him the reassuring smile to be sure that his brother wouldn't get too worried.

Li Jie nodded and smiled at them in return. He stood up and walked to his room. He knows what was happening. So, he did not go to his room that simply. Instead,he was on the corner of the door towards the kitchen, catefully eavesdropping from their conversation. The corner is not too far from where the living room is. Thus, Li Jie could still hear anything.

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