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Yes Mr Sinha

Sir we tried contacting the publishers but they are not answering us.

Try again they are our last hope for finding SM.

Okay sir. 

He sat there thinking about how to find SM. They have been trying to contact the publishers but every time they were unavailable. Her interview was the only piece of information about her, the ray of hope in the past 4 years. He re read the interview trying to find any clue, any information even the slightest of it would be of huge help.frustrated he threw the magazine on the floor and banged his fist on the table. 

Dam, nothing nothing at all which could be of any help, he thought .

He leaned on the chair and closed his eyes. Now he was losing hope. The publishers were of no help and hers had only her name , actually the abbreviated SM and some description about her likes and dislikes, nothing really giving anything about any possible clue about her. Then there is this interview again having no specific clue. But when she hasn’t talked to anyone then how come the interview and how did the magazine house reach her?

The manganese house! Yes this is it! Why did I not think it before! He thought.

The magazine publisher can help me. They must have seen her. She never gave such interviews in past years, who knows they might know her personally and that is the reason SM agreed for this. Yes yes yes! This is it. The clue was there in front of me and I never realized but now I know what I have to do.

He jumped from his chair and picked the magazine from the floor. Immediately he called his assistant and asked him to contact the magazine publisher. He was sitting in his cabin when someone knocked on the door. 

Come in,he said.


Yes Ravi.

Sir the magazine is from Chennai,it’s a local monthly magazine based on lifestyle and fitness.

Sir we did but they did not…

Okay okay I got it, I will personally go and meet them. Book the flight ticket to Chennai and get my flight tickets. I want to reach there as soon as possible.

Okay sir. 

Saying tha ravi left the room leaving his boss restless and in deep thought.

He was at home packing her stuff when he got a call from his assistant Ravi

Hello, he said.


Did you book the tickets?

Umm actually sir there is no flight to Chennai for next two days due to certain issues,

What? He said furiously

Yes sir, His assistant answered nervously.

He paused and then said” okay no problem book me a train ticket.

Sir I already tried booking but  the train would take almost 2 days even the express will take more than a day. And you might have to get the tatkal ticket as the sites are full.

Damn, he cursed.


Okay then I will go by road. Get the driver and the car ready.

But sir…

Sir the driver is on holiday so…

 I don’t care if I get the car, I will go alone.

But sir…

I said get the damn vehicle , am I clear. He snapped.

Ye yes sir.

He reached Chennai early morning . After freshening he did not even wait for breakfast and left for the publishing house. He was early so there was no one at the office so he sat down and decided to wait. At sharp 8 o clock an old lady walked from the main door. She walked with difficulty. He thought maybe she works here. He got up from his seat and helped her. She smiled and blessed him.

After leaving her outside a cabin he came back to occupy his previous place. After half an hour a girl came and took her place at the receptionist desk. No one else came for another half an hour. Finding it strange that no other staff came till 9 other than the old lady and this girl he decided to ask the girl about the chief editor. 

He went towards her desk and enquired about the chief editor. She pointed towards a cabin. He walked in that direction and was surprised to see the same cabin where he had left the old lady. Chief editor was writing in block letters on a board . He was so engrossed in his thoughts that earlier he must have missed it. He knocked on the door.

Come in , came a voice from inside.

He entered and was surprised to see the room filled with books. There were many cupboards all having books but what surprised him further was that they were  SM’s novels. Maybe she is also a fan, he shrugged and left that thought

How can I help you? The lady asked, raising her head . she was surprised to see him and smiled warmly.

Ma’am I am looking for a writer and I think you can help me find her. He said directly going to the point.

A writer? 

Yes ma’am I am looking for SM the bestselling romance novelist. You know her right? He asked xpectelty.

Her eyes widened at the mention of the name but she quickly composed herself. No, I don’t know any such author.

But your magazine has featured her interview, he tried again.

No no I think you are mistaken young man. Our magazine is a lifestyle and fitness based magazine. We don't interview authors. She answered calmly.

But the last issue of your magazine has her interview.

I am not denying it, some correspondent might have taken her interview but I don’t know anything about her, she answered with the same calm voice.

Try to understand please…

I am afraid I cannot help you. 


I am sorry please excuse me I have other work to do, she said, ending the conversation.

Dejected he got up from his chair having lost his only hope of finding SM. But something caught his attention. Earlier he had noticed that this room had plenty of SM’s novels but it was now he realized that there were not plenty of SM’s books but only her books had multiple copies of the same title. Why would anyone do that, even if they are a fan. Something was fishy , the lady is hiding something. She sure knows much more than what she had told him. Earlier also she was surprised to hear the author's name but then she masked her expression.

Coming out of the office he took out his mobile and dialed someone.


I have a task for you. I want you to find as much information as possible about ‘THE RISE’ magazine especially about the editor .

The rise magazine? 

Yes, it's a local monthly of Chennai. I want every information not a single detail even the smallest should miss our notice.

But we have to do the other…

Leave everything else, he said annoyed. I want you to focus on this task. Got it?


Fine he said and changed the call.

He was sure that the lady was hiding something and if  that something might lead him to SM, He was determined to find it. Earlier SM was a need but now it’s a mission and obsession. He will find her , he will surely find her whatever it takes! 

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