chapter 27- charges

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moral of the story - ashe

I didn't go to school on Monday. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and face everyone. Between the constant vibrating of my phone and the nausea, I was still feeling, I barely slept all weekend.

Everyone I knew – and people I've never even talked to – kept sending me the screenshots of Jack's posts. I didn't know what to say to them every time I opened their messages. I didn't know what to do or who to tell; there's no guidebook to survive getting your nudes leaked.

Connor also kept calling my phone, and I was so close to blocking his number. Our conversation from Friday night constantly replayed in my head.

'I love you... but I really like Aspen.'

His answer was loud and clear. He was picking Aspen, and as much as it hurt me to process that, I knew I needed to. There would never be a Connor and Hope. Our relationship would never be romantic, and I didn't know if I could forget my feelings for him and just be friends.

Between the betrayal that I felt from Jack and the heartbreak Connor had caused me, it really felt like my life had been flipped upside down. I was in complete shock. How could my life have taken such a drastic turn for the worse in the last couple of months?

My bedroom door banged open, and Layla came stomping into my room. "Scoot over."

I moved over to the other side of my bed and pulled back the comforter so that Layla could slide under the covers.

"When are you coming back to school?" She asked.


"Shut up." She elbowed my side and groaned.

"How bad is it?"

"Which part?"

"All of it."

"Well," Layla sighed and sat up. "Jack made sure that your nudes – which you looked great in, might I add – got around, so there's that. But a lot of people are upset that he did that. I mean revenge porn is not cool. Connor, on the other hand, is getting out of control. He's beating people up left and right, and I'm pretty sure he and Aspen are fighting."

"Great," I mumbled.

"As much as I hate to say this Hope, you really need to tell your parents about what Jack did."

"Layla, they would literally kill me."

"Hope, what he did is illegal."

"You want me to snitch? It won't even do anything Lay; everyone has already seen the pictures."

"God, this isn't fourth grade Hope. You're not snitching on him for cheating on a test or some shit. You're snitching because he leaked your nudes. It's illegal."

"But what if he tells everyone I'm pregnant?" I chewed on my lip nervously.

"The whole school practically watched you have sex, I really do not think they would be that surprised Hope. Plus, in another couple of weeks, you'll be showing, and it'll be obvious."

"I feel like such a disappointment to my parents. I've caused them so much drama recently."

Layla reached over and grabbed my hands, squeezing them before she spoke. "I can promise you that you are not a disappointment to them, Hope. Is this whole thing a shock to them? Yeah. Will they get mad? Maybe a little. But at the end of the day, they love you so much, and they are going to do anything to protect you."


Wednesday morning, I finally gathered the strength and courage to get out of bed and go to school.

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