42)Good Men

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Laying in bed for a little while, I hold Lexi close letting her use my chest as a pillow

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Laying in bed for a little while, I hold Lexi close letting her use my chest as a pillow. There's no better feeling than this right here. It's probably one of the things I missed the most the last two years, just holding her, soaking in her warmth. Kissing the top of her head, I breathe her in, my senses filling with the scent of coconut, shea butter, and Lexi with the smallest hint of me on her skin. It's fucking satisfying as hell and I'm damn near ready to go for a second round when my stomach growls like a bear.

Lex looks up at me and giggles. "Hungry?"

"Maybe a little."

"Come on, big guy, let's head back." She taps my chest and pushes off of me. "You may have gotten some dessert a minute ago but you need some actual food."

I lick my lips. "Mm, why can't I just have some more dessert?"

Lex gives me a pointed look as she climbs out of the bed and begins gathering her clothes. "'Cause, you can't survive off of that."

"Says who?" I mumble, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and rolling the kinks out of my neck.

Alexis answers by throwing my boxers in my face and laughing.

Reluctantly, we get dressed and head back to the barn. The guys are still sitting on the same couches and chairs they were in when I walked out and Lex breathes a sigh of relief when she sees Ava talking with Wild and Josie.

When we reach them, Lexi cringes and quietly mouths the words, "I'm sorry," to Ava, who waves it off. She doesn't seem bothered at all about getting ditched in a new place while I kept Lex occupied. I appreciate it really. I don't want Lexi feeling guilty for what we did.

"Aye, y'all hungry?" Wild asks, nodding down to the plate of food in his lap. "They got everything set up by the bar."

"Thanks." I tip my head to him and take Lexi's hand to get some food.

We make our way towards the bar under the loft and grab some plates. The whole time we're moving down the row of tables piled with food and picking out what we want, I notice Lexi receiving smiles from some of the other women. All the wives and girlfriends of other Guardians are referred to as Guarded Ladies and having Uncle Rob let it be known to the crowd that Lexi falls under that category when Sophie stepped out of line is like receiving a badge of honor. But it's more than that. The other women saw that Lexi wasn't afraid to call Sophie on her bullshit and that earned their respect. My girl doesn't know it yet, but she's just been accepted by the other ladies.

With our plates in hand, we head back to the guys and find a couple new additions. Two Latino dudes that share the same build and eyes sit on the other side of Kade. They definitely look related, even sporting the same flower tattoo on the back of their right hands but one has a slimmer face with a buzzed head and the other is more square-jawed with buzzed sides and thick black hair combed back on top.

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