Chapter 3

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Some days passed by and Orion and Megatronus are growing up. Y/N had been teaching them how to speak for days now and they're fast learners! They started to speak! Y/N watched how both of them became a bit older. Orion began to show interest in many things. Well, you can say that he's a nerd. He loves to read (?) study, learning, and help others. He's becoming smart day by day. Megatronus, on the other hand, began to show interest in fighting. He saw how grown up Merformers fought against each other like gladiators. Agent Fowler made a rule and that was no killing others. Some of the younglings like Megatronus are being trained by some grown-ups but somewhere apart to not scare other Merformers that didn't show interest in fighting. Orion became a student of Alpha Trion, one of the very old aged Merformers in the tank. No human knew actually where Merformers came from. Y/N heard them say 'Primus' all the time. She guessed fast that it ment 'God' in their language.

Y/N is now sitting at the edge of the tank, her feet and a few of her legs are in the water. Y/N is actually glad about one thing: the tank is beautifully clear and light. You may ask what I mean by that? Well, a lot of tanks are can be... dark, especially the deepest parts. Imagine if someone like Y/N was sitting at the edge, being distracted. Then a hand grabs your ankle and pulls you into the water, scaring you out a lot. Y/N doesn't want that. Above the tank, the ceiling is a large window that clearly gave enough light so each human can see the tank fully. This means that Y/N sees all Merformers.

Agent Fowler somehow builds new parts in the big tank. It's made for Merformers if they're busy doing activities. There's plenty of those rooms. That includes... mating. Yeah...

"Hello, Caretaker," said a familiar kind voice.

Y/N saw it was Orion who spoke. He has a kind, friendly cute smile on his face. Y/N smiles back. "Hey, Orion. How are you?"

"I'm good, Caretaker. I just finished reading with my mentor and teacher, Alpha Trion. How are you?"

Y/N sighs. "Meh. I don't know. I'm just a bit... bored, I guess. I just came here to watch you all."

Now, where did that nickname 'Caretaker' come from? Easy. From half of the Merformers in the tank. Orion and Megatronus are one of them that call her that. The other half call her just by her first name. Some of them call her 'Miss' or 'Mrs'.

Orion looks at her with sympathy. He then placed his head on her lap. Y/N smiles as she starts to pet him on his head, causing him to purr.

Y/N giggles. "You're growing up fast, Orion. When you'll hit your teenage chapter, your voice will change. Same to Megatronus."

Orion smiles. "Alpha Trion is teaching me that, Caretaker. I'm prepared for the changes."

Then another Merformer popped out. It was Megatronus. He has some bruises and cuts from fighting as a gladiator student. He and Orion became in fact good friends, close to being best friends. 

"How was your lesson, Megatronus?" Orion asked.

"Rough but I survived."

That's when Orion and Megatronus jumped to be sitting next to Y/N on the edge. Some Merformers can do that. That's when both males snuggled up to her sides. Y/N chuckles as she wraps her arms around them. 

Later at night~

Y/N was walking home while it was dark. It was honestly creepy sometimes when a person like Y/N is walking home alone. Kidnappers are roaming around, looking for perfect victims. No, Y/N didn't get kidnapped. In fact, something worse happened...

Y/N is walking forward fast to be back home. She enjoyed her time with Orion and Megatronus, who are prepared to enter their teenage years in the future. She minded her own business and it was quiet at first... when suddenly lights from a black van car came on. The driver is covered in black and the car van drove right at Y/N! She couldn't save herself in time because all of this happened so fast that... the car crashed her. A car accident happened...

My Mates (Merformers x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz