XV: "Love and Peace" [18+]

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This chapter contains sexual theme that
might not be suitable for younger audiences.

Four people stood still in the middle of the beach, their toes buried deeply into sands, eyes dried from the wind. A pasty white ball idling inside a woman's hands, her eyes squinting at the boy facing her.

"Come on, Jean..." The man beside the boy murmured under his breath, he was sweaty and shirtless. Slowly, the woman lifted the ball — nobody flinched. In a blink of an eye, it was floating in the air and smacked by the woman's slender hand.

"Hit it, Ted!" The man screamed at the top of his lungs, his brown neck decorated with surging veins. Ted redirected his anger on hitting the ball rather than responding. Without hesitation, he passed the ball to Evelyn — a distracted look was on her face, he thought she might fail to serve. But to no one's surprise, the girl was an expert at performing an underhand serve.

"Hit it, Bob." Ted stepped back from the net, giving larger space for Bobby to work with. Jean placed her hands on her hips, "he's not gonna make it." And bingo! Bobby failed to hit the ball, resulting in them losing the first round of the game in a mere one minute.

"Aw, come on!" Bobby groaned for everyone to hear, he bent forward, placing both hands on his kneecaps. "Loser!" Jean taunted the other team as Ted went to retrieve the ball. "We'll let you serve. See if it changes anything." A smirk pasted on her face as she was challenging them. "Oh, yeah. Just you wait." Bobby snickered as he seized the ball from Ted's hands.

Bobby refocused his eyes on his opponent, who also happened to be his girlfriend, Evelyn. "Es-tu prêt?" He repositioned his footing in the sand, squatting down a notch. "I'm ready." Evelyn nodded her head, with a weak smile on her face. One could not simply act like they're in the best state of mind when they are not.

"Try and hit this!" Bobby's eyes grew dark, a mischievous smirk seemed to make itself at home on his face. Evelyn patiently waited for the man to strike, but then he took a few steps back. Bobby backed up until he was reaching the line on the sand.

"Shoot already!" Jean shouted. "God, what's he doing?" She mumbled to her teammate. "Only he knows." Evelyn denied the anxiety trying to kick in, she remained calm and collected. That is until Bobby threw the ball so high, it almost reached the sky. "Holy shit." Ted looked up at the ball, a hand above his eyes to shield them from the sunlight.

"Umph!" Audibly grunting, Bobby leaped from his position and floated in the air for what seemed to be several seconds. He was about to smack the ball in the air, and Evelyn's final thought was: well, je suis est fucked. "Wait, no—" Midway through her hearable sentence, Evelyn was put to a halt by an intense impact against her face.

"Shit! Eve, are you alright?!" The voice rang through Evelyn's head, she felt the cold and soft surface on her back. Her hands clenched the sand underneath her. She'd fallen backward by the harsh smack on the face from Bobby's direction. "You moron!" Jean threatened to hit them with her hand. Quickly, she helped to get Evelyn on her feet. Bobby and Ted crouched under the net to get a closer look at the victim.

"You okay?" With a voice as soft as a feather, Jean asked as she stroked Evelyn's back. "Oh, God. I don't know." Evelyn threw her head back, there were grains of sand in her brunette hair. "How did that happen?" Ted glanced over to Bobby, insinuating a thing or two, but the man shrugged off without much care.

"You're okay, you're okay— Jesus, is that blood?!" Jean instantly twirled the girl by the shoulders to face her, she carefully examined Evelyn's nose to see blood streaming down a nostril. "God damn it," Bobby muttered in shock, his hand scratching the back of his neck. "Come on, we need to put ice on that." Jean draped Evelyn's arm around her neck, and secure the girl by the waist. Ted stepped in to grab Evelyn's other arm and did the same thing.

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