Here's your explanation for if you read my old book.

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Hi. You may or may not have seen my previous books (my username was AGirlNamedDelia back then). If you have, here's your explanation.

Name: my birth name is Delia. My chosen name was originally Kayden, but my parents wanted it to be closer to my deadname so now it's Dilan :)

Gender: my gender is a mess, honestly. Right now, I identify as non-binary, but I've previously identified as a girl, demigirl, genderfluid person, demiboy, trans guy, non-binary, then boy again, and now it's back to non-binary. We'll see how that goes.

Service animal situation: so, originally, I was gonna get a dog. Then I got a cat, thinking I could train her to be a service animal. That failed spectacularly (I still have Luna and love her, and I fully support anyone who chooses to have a service cat. It's just not the right fit for me.) Now, I'm going to get a puppy and train them :)

Sexuality: honestly that's also a mess, but right now I identify as biromantic and asexual. Basically, I can be romantically attracted to people regardless of gender (I lean toward girls tho), but I'm never sexually attracted to people.

So, thanks for reading! I'll explain more about the service dog situation in the next chapter.

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