chapter 2.5 //

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is this a completely new chapter that never before existed? yes.

 by the way victor (the prince) is NOT the male lead of this story

George looked completely like normal to everyone else, with a natural smile that gave him a mature look that made people want to approach him and golden eyes that shone bright in the morning sun, but Victor could tell something was different as soon as he entered the classroom. 

George went straight to his seat next to Victor, smiling good-naturedly at everyone who had greeted him.

"Why are you so happy today?" the two were best friends as some might put it. Having grown up together, with George as his 'playmate', Victor could confidently say that he knew George better than he knew himself.

They got along very well, with Victor being able to talk to George about any problems he had and likewise the other way round, both clearly caring about each other. 

Therefore, the bounce in George's steps were noticed by the eagle-eyed Victor.

George turned to look at him with a smile that was so brilliant it nearly blinded him. 

George chuckled, only saying, "Secret." 

Victor stared at George, still taken aback by the smile. When was the last time George had smiled like that?

Not to mention, George was rarely playful, as he preferred to be more mature. Victor had never told George, but he secretly missed the days when they were both children and were constantly giggling without much care for the people around them.

Something really, really good must have happened.

Of course George didn't really want to keep Leige a secret, in fact, he just wanted to show off Leige to the whole world.

...Did he switch up on his feelings too soon?

"Okay okay, I'll tell you..." Victor waited patiently, the corners of his lips tilted almost imperceptibly upwards as he waited for George to finish. "Leige apologised to me this morning!!" 

Victor's expression turned to stone. 

...Leige? The brat he itched to take down in a battle because of how many times George had been upset because of him?

Victor narrowed his eyes.

Was this another plot Leige was planning? To get close to his brother for the sole purpose of finding another way to harass Victor?

George hummed, quite obviously elated.

"He's really quite cute, you know. His hair isn't in that weird thing anymore and there's no gel dripping onto the car seat. Actually, I would have been more suspicious of the apology if Leige hadn't been so different today. I think it was actually sincere!" 

George continued to ramble on about his little brother, the most animated Victor had seen him in a long time.

Victor sighed subtly, feeling conflicted.

Although he trusted George, he couldn't help but feel it was near impossible that Leige, that brat, would actually change in such a short period of time since the last time he saw him.

However, George's smile was infectious, and Leige, no matter how hard he tried to plot, was ultimately harmless, so Victor decided to simply sit back and indulge in George's rare behaviour, for now. 

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