Settling in

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Hiccup's POV
    I woke up to the sound of splashes and roars. I groaned as I sat up, since I had accidentally fallen asleep on a rock. Windshear, Sleuther, Ashfire and Kyanite were catching fish by the beach. I smiled as I watched them play and catch fish. Half an hour later they had finished catching fish and the other riders were up. I grabbed a few fish for us and left the rest for the dragons to feast on. I walked back to the other riders who had made a campfire ready to cook the fish.

    As the fish cooked Astrid spoke up, "After we eat we should scout the island, and if it's safe we could settle here. The dragons seem to like it."

    "Sounds like a plan" Ruff said. I agreed. We all ate our fish(including the dragons), and then mounted our dragons. We took off into the the clear skies, the dragons roaring in delight.

    "Ok, Astrid go south, Fishlegs west, Ruff Tuff east, and snotlout north. Toothless and I will scout the center of the island. Send up a blast if you find anything interesting. Meet back at camp when you've finished scouting your side of the island. Got it?" I said. The other riders nodded and took off in their separate directions.

    "Ok come Toothless," I told him. He roared and soared upwards, reaching the top of the island quickly. We landed at the top in a grove of red pine trees. 'Huh, I never seen this tree before, better get a sample for Fishlegs and I to study later.' I thought. I grabbed a piece of the bark and continued to look around. We didn't encounter any wild dragons and the only other stuff we found was lots of food and a large cave. "We better get back to camp bud" I said. I mounted Toothless and flew back to camp.

    The night terrors flew up next to me, in a night fury formation. I chuckled, "Nice night fury formation guys!" Smidvarg screeched happily in response. 'I'll take that as a thanks' I thought.

    Toothless landed at camp a few minutes later, and I was surprised to see the other dragon riders already there. "Did anyone notice that there are no dragons here. Or wolfs, boars, bears anything?" Fishlegs said nervously.

    "Yeah, so what?" Astrid said slowly, "Shouldn't that be a good thing?"

    Fishlegs whimpered, "It would be, but you have to think, what drove them off. That's what we should be worried about."

    Astrid shrugged, "I think that if it was huge like the red death, we would have seen it already or the dragons would have sensed it, but the dragons are calm and happy. If it was as big as a deathsong or maybe a little bigger, we could totally take it, and drive it off. No need to worry. Besides what's life without a little danger." Fishlegs grumbled but didn't argue.

    "Hmm, just don't forget, that the island seems perfect but the words of the mighty Thor say otherwise, if something seems too perfect it probably sucks." Tuff said. Astrid rolled her eyes and went to check on Stormfly.

(See picture on top)
Yellow - Club house
Black - Hiccup's hut
Blue - Astrid's hut
Green - Twins' hut
Red - Snotlout's hut
Brown - Fishlegs' hut

Hiccup's POV
    "Now that we have agreed we are staying, we should probably let the dragons have parts of the island. There's a big cave at the top of the island that the dragons can sleep in." We worked the rest of the day and chose places for the huts. Fishlegs's hut was on a small meadow overlooking the ocean, to the left of Astrid's hut, Hiccup's hut is to the right of the sleep cave and the Twins' to the left. Snotlout's hut was below the twins' and Astrid's was below Hiccup's.

    We finished the huts in the afternoon, and the dragons had taken liberty to make the cave as comfy as possible. The huts were pretty colorless, but they were sturdy and shelter. "Can we please explore the other islands now Hiccup" Ruff asked.

    I sighed, "Sure"

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