New Beginnings

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Nikola landed the berg down the beach a ways so the props wouldn't blow over any of the tents and structures they had set up. Torches were speeding down the sand as they rushed a stretcher to collect Thomas and get him taken care of. The kids stayed in their seats, watching until Thomas was gone. Blood was smeared on the floor, the smell of iron pushed into Nikola's face by the sea breeze before it disappeared into the salty smell of the ocean. She watched as others came for the kids, telling them they were safe now.

One girl looked over at Nikola. She saw her staring despondently at the blood on the floor and went over to her. Nikola looked up when she came into her field of vision but couldn't make out her face before she had arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"Thank you," she said before pulling away and following the others, revealing Vince behind her.

He just stared at her for a moment, torn between telling her she did good and giving his condolences.
"Nikola," he sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Go get some rest. It's been a long, long day."

She nodded, swallowing a lump in her throat as she stood up on shaky legs. Vince stayed behind, planning to move the berg off of the beach. She finally noticed the figure standing on the edge of the walkway. Clad in black, tall and broad, it had to be Gally. She walked up beside him, the breeze hitting her with more force and giving her goosebumps. She wished she hadn't gotten rid of- Gally held out her jacket to her. She looked up at him as she took it, his gaze lingering over the beach, reminding her of the day with the daisy.

She'd never not been running. She had run from the maze, from Wicked, from cranks. She'd ran after Minho and chased after the others so she was never left behind. There had never been a time where something important wasn't making her move. But now it was all over. This was home. Gally was there. Newt was gone.

She looked down at the sand as she put the jacket on, feeling like the minute she stepped foot off the berg it really would be all over, all their losses permanent and all their goals and plans checked off. She looked up at Gally, realizing he had left everyone he knew in the right arm behind. All he had now was Thomas, Minho, Fry, and her. She held her hand out to him and felt relieved when he took it. They stepped into their new lives together.

"I'm sorry. About..." Gally said as they ambled slowly along the beach, not able to make himself say his name.

"I am too," she said as she held his hand a little tighter. Her heart was heavy knowing Newt should have been with them, he deserved to be. She wished they could have helped him and part of her even wished she could have loved him back when she had the chance so at least he could have died having known love at all. But feeling Gally's hand in hers, she knew her heart only belonged in one place. "He deserved better."

"I really tried to help him, I swear," Gally's voice broke, catching her attention immediately and bringing them to a stop. "We were so close, we could have made it if -"

"Whoa, whoa," Nikola tried to calm him down, holding onto his arm as he bit his lips and shook his head. "I know you must have done everything you could, I didn't mean it like that. He was your friend."

Gally nodded and looked down with tear filled eyes. He felt her palm on his cheek and leaned into it before they wrapped their arms around each other, taking a moment on a cold, dark beach to mourn their friend.

After a while, some people came to them wanting to make sure they were ok, giving them water and finding them a place to sleep. Hammocks were the only thing available and Gally worried about her being out in the cold, but she seemed too tired to care. Even though he was exhausted he still had trouble sleeping.

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