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It's finally Saturday, which means I've survived my first week of college. After reviewing the semester's syllabus for the past hour, I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, but if I keep up my attendance and spend my free time in the library, I know I can do it.

To prepare for Monday's classes, I'm sitting on my bed reading the set chapters while Zara rummages through her closet, huffing every few seconds. "Do you want any help?" I offer for the third time.

"No, I'll find it," she responds, pushing her hair away from her face. "I know I brought... Ah, found it!" she shouts triumphantly, pulling out a black leather jacket.

As she slides her arms into the sleeves, she glances at the textbook in my hands and frowns.

"I'm heading down to the activities fair now, and before you say anything, I know you said you didn't want to join any clubs, but it can't hurt to tag along for fun."

I put down my book and consider her offer. It would be nice to go out in the sun for a bit, plus this chapter is giving me a headache. "Okay, I'll come for a wander. This chapter is hard to wrap my head around anyway."

Zara rushes over to my bed, and high-fives me before putting on her left combat boot.

"That's the spirit. I heard they have some fantastic clubs. This girl in my class told me they even have a Quidditch one. Imagine that, running around all day, chasing a person who dresses in gold," she laughs.

"You're kidding!" I say, my eyes going wide at the thought.

"Nope, apparently they take it seriously. One year a person climbed a building to get away from the others and fell and broke his leg."

"Ouch! That's insane. I'll make sure to stay clear from any that throws common sense out the window," I reply while inwardly cringing at the mental image of bones breaking.

Zara laughs at me. "Your face has gone so pale, Leah. We best go get some fresh air before you end up fainting on me," she tells me, pulling me up from my bed.

"Imagine having a roommate who can't even stomach talking about blood and bones."

"Ha ha. It's a good thing you're the one studying nursing and not me," I tell her while pulling my sneakers on.

"Yeah, thank heavens for that, or we'd all be dead," she snickers.

When we arrive at the fair, I can see that thousands of other students have gathered here as well to check out the many clubs on offer

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When we arrive at the fair, I can see that thousands of other students have gathered here as well to check out the many clubs on offer. It's insane seeing this many people in one place, and I know I could easily lose Zara in here.

"Doesn't it looks amazing?" Zara asks me, while her bright eyes dart around the fair.

"Yeah, it does," I respond in awe as I look at the different stands. Some have gone all out, decorated in balloons, light displays on show, and music playing in the background. I'm glad Zara encouraged me to come, as this is one college experience I'm happy to experience.

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