Chapter 2: The Files

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Peter opened the file.

File no.1
Mary Parker
Mission Gondola

So this is when she went to Italy. I see.
Peter turned the page to a picture of a young Mary. Her chestnut curls fell loosely around her shoulders and her hazel eyes twinkled brightly.
He really was his mother's son.
The teen flipped through file after file, reading about each mission they completed.
He came across a white file amongst the yellow ones. This one was labelled  'alibi'. Peter opened the file to find a photo of his parents wedding. They were both so happy and beautiful, glowing with joy. The next photo was a photo of... him.
As a baby.
He flipped through, finding more pictures of his family. The writing was mainly family details and short alibi stories.
Peter looked at the door before slipping an image of him and his parents into his shoe.
It was a photo of him, after all.
And no one would know.

Peter came back every Wednesday afternoon, flipping through file after file, discovering things he never knew.
The last file came with a small box.
It contained the contents his parents had on them when they died.
It was mainly empty except for a pen, a chapstick, a coin and a little pocket frame with a picture of a 5 year old Peter.
He inspected each item thoroughly, not even sure what he was looking for. He tried the pen but it didn't work.
Must have run out of ink, he though as he unscrewed the tip.
There was no ink cartridge.
Just a small slip of paper with his name on it rolled neatly into the pen.
The teen unravelled the paper, inspecting the writing.
There were two rather tricky equations that Peter had no hope of remembering. So he did what he always did.
Slipped it into his shoe.
Fury never suspected anything.

MJ looked up from her book. Peter was definately not focusing. He was too busy inspecting something in his hands before writing something down in his notebook. She shrugged and turned back to her book. She knew about what they were learning anyway.
A jolt next to her startled the bookworm. Peter was flipping his gaze between the paper and the notebook.
"Excuse me ma'am, but may I please go to the bathroom?"
The teacher looked at Peter in surprise. "Yes. Be quick."
He rushed out of his seat and out the door, shocking everyone with his abruptness.
MJ looked at the notebook. It had some form of equation written on it, but was far too complicated to work out.
What was he doing?

Peter hurried down the corridor and into the bathroom. He pulled out his phone and called Fury.
Parker, shouldn't you be in class?
"Yeah, um, I found something interesting that you might want to look at."
What do you mean?
Peter fiddled nervously. "I might have borrowed something from the files?"
"Look, I'm sorry, ok? But it had my name on it and it had equations and I solved them and I think they're coordinates."
Fury was silent.
Where to?
"Um," Peter plugged his headphones in and pulled out google maps, typing in the coordinates. "Somewhere in the middle of... Australia?"
Kid, I'm picking you up right now.
Go back to class. I'm picking you up.
Fury hung up.
Peter stood there in shock. What was so important?
Had he missed something?
The confused teen walked out of the bathroom and bumped into MJ.
"Sup loser "
She glanced at his shoes. Peter was wearing his S.H.I.E.L.D boots as it was Wednesday. "Nice shoes."
"Oh. thanks." He looked at hers and stopped.
She was wearing a pair of the boots.
"See you soon, dork." She turned into the female bathrooms, leaving Peter very bewildered.

"What is happening?" Peter looked at Fury for answers.
"I think the avengers missed a HYDRA base."
"In the middle of Australia?"
Fury pulled Peter through the headquarters to a conference room. No one was in there except-
"Sup?" She looked up from her book, giving him a small smirk. She was wearing the navy shirt and black pants.
"You're... you're an agent?"
"Yes and no. Michelle is my daughter."
Peter eyebrows met his hairline. "Oh my gosh. How did I not see that?"
They both shrugged. They really were related.
The conversation was put on hold as the sound of loud voices echoed down the hallway.
"What the heck does Eyepatch want with us?"
"Be nice. It must be important if we've been called here."
The entire team of avengers entered the room, stopping in shock at the three figures watching them.
"Pete? What are you doing here? And what are you wearing?"
"Agent Parker is here as he has helped us uncover a new trail on HYDRA."
"Oh great, Pete has gone to the dark side." Tony sighed before collapsing in a chair.
Bucky froze. "We didn't get them all?"
"No." Everyone turned to Peter."There is still one left, in the middle of Australia. I found it in some equations."
"We at S.H.I.E.L.D have come to the conclusion that this is where the late Agents Parker and Parker were headed before their accident. It was most probably staged by HYDRA." Everyone stared in shock at MJ except Fury.
"I tell her everything. It helps to have someone to share things with."
"So you want us to infiltrate and destroy the base?"  Steve said.
"Yes and no. We need to retrieve some information. This base is an outpost. We believe that there is a headquarters out there somewhere and we need your help to find it."
"And I'm coming." MJ picked up her book again.
Fury sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you're staying in the jet."
"Oh come on!"
"Will we be expecting Spidey to join us?" Nat looked at Peter.
Peter smiled at Fury. "I was thinking more of Agent Parker."
Fury smiled and nodded. "We leave at 1 am tomorrow. Prepare for a long flight."

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