Thirty Four: Ophelia

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January 1, 2020
San Francisco, California

"I really hate hospital food."

I smile at my grandma's complaints as she sits in her hospital bed and I in my chair beside her.

"Don't worry, Grandma," I reassure her. "You'll be out of here soon."

"I can't believe they've kept me in this hell hole for so long," she continues on, a big frown on her face.

"It's only been four days," I remind her. "You'll be home soon."

"I'm ready for your food again, Ophelia. You always make the best food."

"Why, thank you."

"Not this tasteless crap."

I roll my eyes. She has a point; she's only eating mashed potatoes and a chicken breast, usual bland hospital food to keep her levels from rising and falling too drastically. But try reasoning with near eighty year old with dementia.

"I'm not even that sick, Ophelia!" she exclaims.

"Well, not anymore, silly!" I reply. "Do you remember how you couldn't even breathe before we came here? Thank God we brought you when we did."

"Don't bring the Lord into this now," she scolds, waving her finger at me. "I know He didn't make chickens for them to be boiled, unseasoned, and served to helpless old ladies in a hospital."

"Yeah, you're definitely not sick anymore," I say. "You sure didn't grumble this much when you were sick."

I pick at my nail polish, thinking of a way to get her mind off her nasty food and onto more positive things.

"Oh, Nanna! Did anyone tell you BTS is finally having their comeback?" I ask cheerfully. She instantly brightens and gasps so hard, I'm afraid her lungs will burst from her back.

"Really? You mean it? They're having a comeback?"

I nod. "February twenty-first."

"Well, that's right after your birthday! That's the best birthday present ever, isn't it?"

I smile, picking my nails again. "Yes, it definitely is the best present."

"When I die, please bury me with my ARMY Bomb and Jimin picket fan."

I stare at her wide eyed and she just stares back.

"Don't you think that's a little soon? You know, considering you were half dead just a few days ago?"

Grandma scoffs and waves her hand in the air. "Whatever. I'm nearly seventy-five years old. It ain't a secret that I've got one foot in the grave and the other up BTS's—"

A series of knocks interrupts my crazy grandma's sentence (thankfully) and I eagerly jump to answer the door.

"Hello hello," Rose says with a smile, peeking through the doorway with Violet in her arms. "How's life in paradise?"

My grandmother scoffs again. "If this is paradise, then please send me to hell," she says bluntly. "It can't be any worse than boiled chicken."

Here we go again...

"What brings you lovely ladies here?" I ask in order to distract from the batty old lady's complaints. I reach out to Violet who nearly launches herself out of her mother's arms to get to me.

"We were a little bored, that's all," Rose replies. "So we decided we'd come visit Nanna in the hospital before she gets discharged."

"Yes Rose, please speak the words into existence," Grandma says urgently. "I need someone to help me manifest freedom."

Rose stares at her. "Wow. Are you losing your mind, all cooped up in here?"

"I'm dying in this room," Grandma responds.

Rose tries her best not to laugh as I shoot both of them a glare.

"It's okay, laugh. I know I'm hilarious." Nanna grins widely and observes her own nails as Rose breaks into laughter.

"Alright, Mrs. del Monte," a nurse announces as she enters the room. "Time to check up on you again."

"How long are you guys gonna keep me here?" Grandma asks bluntly.

"Nanna," I scold softly.

"You know, the food tastes terrible."

"It really does," the nurse says sweetly. "We hope to have you out tomorrow, however the oxygen levels in your blood are still looking pretty low. Are you still having trouble breathing?" She pricks a needle into my grandmother's IV as she speaks. The old lady doesn't even flinch.

Nanna shakes her head in an almost overly exaggerated way. "I feel younger than ever. I don't even know the difference between me and that baby anymore."

The nurse laughs at that, removing the small vial of blood just as quickly as she took it. "I'm gonna go run some more tests. Make sure you keep your oxygen mask on as often as you can, it's gonna help you get discharged faster."

"Yeah right," she mumbles once the nurse leaves. "I've lived this long and I'll continue on without an oxygen mask, thank you very much."

I roll my eyes. "Put the damn mask on or I'll take the poster back home with me tonight."

Nanna freezes, staring at the Love Yourself 'Her' poster hanging across from her bed. "You wouldn't dare."

"I most definitely would dare."

"Ophelia Estelle del Monte! I'm still your grandmother!"

"Okay! On that note, I think it's time for Violet's nap!" Rose. hops up and picks the little girl up in her arms. She says quick goodbyes and exits just as swiftly as she came. I envy her in this moment...

"Let me pull up some music videos on the computer, hm?" I suggest. "If you put on the oxygen mask, I'll play'Fire.' The longer you keep it on, the sooner you'll be back home."

"Yeah right," she mutters again, but slips the mask on nonetheless. "Only for the music videos..."

a quick, funny one for you guys :) i know how much you all love grandma

917 words

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