41 - Meet My Friend

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It's been nearly two weeks since Jungkook sent you the panicked text; informing you that Sora is, indeed, Ezekiel's "boss". Yet, ever since that night, Ezekiel has been acting normally and it's driving Jungkook insane. The bunny hybrid swears he clearly heard the man talking to Sora about starting Phase Two. The thought of that conversation alone is enough to send shivers down Jungkook's spine.

With each second that passes, the bunny hybrid is constantly on edge - nerves on overdrive in an attempt to protect himself from whatever trouble lies ahead. In fact, Jungkook has been trying his best to avoid Ezekiel - only interacting with him during dinner time. He waits until the older male leaves for work before leaving the safety of his own room, and always returns to his room before the human returns home.

Certainly, Ezekiel has also noticed this sudden wall Jungkook has put up around himself. In his mind, he still thinks the bunny hybrid has closed in on himself because he had snapped at him that day. The older male is completely clueless to the fact that Jungkook actually heard his phone call with Sora.

"Jungkook." The bunny hybrid is snapped out of his thoughts when a knock sounds on his closed bedroom door. His breath catches in his throat as he grips his phone in his hand tightly. "Are you up? Do you want to go to the park today?"

"I think I'm going to skip the park today," he responds calmly despite his heartbeat thundering in his ears.

"Are you sure? You never miss out on going to the park. In fact, you're always pretty eager to go. Are you feeling alright? Did you catch a cold again?" Ezekiel asks from the other side of the door. "Do we need to visit Y/N again?"

At the mention of your name, Jungkook's long ears perk up straight. His cotton ball tail wiggles quickly in delight at the thought of seeing you in person again. However, something about the way the older male said your name causes the taste on Jungkook's tongue to sour.

This has to be a part of Ezekiel's plan. What if he's trying to hurt you? Jungkook can't let that happen.

The bunny hybrid quickly pushes aside any thought of visiting you. Instead, he lets out a deep growl under his breath while scowling at the door.

"No, I'm just feeling a little tired - that's all," Jungkook responds, trying his best to hide the emotions in his voice.

"Okay, I understand," Ezekiel says. There is a brief moment of silence and Jungkook waits to listen for the older male's footsteps walking away from his door. But the soft thuds never come. "Well, then why don't you come out and eat some of the breakfast I made you? You're usually up and about by now. You must be hungry."

"Actually, I'm not that hungry." Jungkook tries his best to dodge having to leave his room, but Ezekiel is rather persistent.

"You should come out to eat anyway. It'll give you energy so you won't feel tired," the older male presses. And just as the bunny hybrid opens his mouth to come up with another excuse, Ezekiel cuts him off again. "Come to the dining room before your food gets cold."

Jungkook frowns as he finally hears the older male's retreating footsteps. Part of him wants to defy Ezekiel's demand. However, the human's tone held a hint of authority - the type that makes you shake - and the bunny hybrid would rather not experience Ezekiel's bad side today. So Jungkook reluctantly pushes his body off of his bed; making sure to carefully tuck his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants. He then double-checks to ensure the fabric of his oversized hoodie is concealing the slight outline that indicates the device is resting in his pocket.

When Jungkook walks into the dining room, Ezekiel is sitting in his usual seat waiting for him. The older male's attention is trained on the phone in his hand, but quickly looks up at the bunny hybrid when he sits down.

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