
Aaaaaand… apparently I blew right past the deadline for the second round of ONC. 
          	To be honest, I wasn’t “feeling” my story this year. (Does anyone else feel stories? O.o) The first chapter spun itself pretty easily, but then I kept stalling on the second, and the world building wasn’t gelling, and I’m up to my eyeballs in real life stuff, so… 
          	Anyway. I hate making excuses. I apologize to anyone who was mildly interested in reading my entry. 


@Nyhterides I’m not sure, really. I might toss it on the pile and see if it percolates well, then return to it. I’m in the middle of editing my bigger project, so that sucks up a lot of my extra bandwidth at the moment :/


@AEPennymaker are you going to finish it?


@AEPennymaker yes. Just submit a lil' while ago. I'm not going to make the 3rd though. I'll finish the story, but it's going to be shorter due to time issues... What about you?


Aaaaaand… apparently I blew right past the deadline for the second round of ONC. 
          To be honest, I wasn’t “feeling” my story this year. (Does anyone else feel stories? O.o) The first chapter spun itself pretty easily, but then I kept stalling on the second, and the world building wasn’t gelling, and I’m up to my eyeballs in real life stuff, so… 
          Anyway. I hate making excuses. I apologize to anyone who was mildly interested in reading my entry. 


@Nyhterides I’m not sure, really. I might toss it on the pile and see if it percolates well, then return to it. I’m in the middle of editing my bigger project, so that sucks up a lot of my extra bandwidth at the moment :/


@AEPennymaker are you going to finish it?


@AEPennymaker yes. Just submit a lil' while ago. I'm not going to make the 3rd though. I'll finish the story, but it's going to be shorter due to time issues... What about you?


Dо уоu publish оn Neobook ?


@leiana52 thanks :) I might have already… XD I can’t remember. But yeah, if you’re on here a while, these little boogers pop up. I used to get tons of them in my PM. One perk of not posting as often as I used to: not so many junk messages XD 


@AEPennymaker It's a spam bot, report the profile for spam and delete the comment ^^


@AEPennymaker It's a spam bot, report the profile for spam and delete the comment ^^



Hello, I just want to share my story, if you're interested and willing to support my story I will be very glad. You can always check this out or you can also follow me for more updates. Thank you. I hope you'll try. 
          Have a nice day ahead. Lovelots.



@JH_Foliage it sure feels good :) 
            Now I have to edit XD 


@AEPennymaker Congrats!!! A completed trilogy is amazing.


this message may be offensive
*insistent beeping* 
          *rapid clicking* 
          *crinkling of cellophane*
          "Bob, how do I... I can't quite get it to... what's all the beeping?" *beep* "It's about to go off, isn't it. We're all going to die." *beep* "Right here." *beep*  "In this room." *beep* "Bob, if this is the end, then... I need to tell you something! Something I've been dealing with for a really, really long time!" *beep* "I just... I just want to say —" *beep* "Before we die..." *beep* "A. E. Pennymaker finally finished her rough draft of Shadow War and posted the last three chapters today!" *beep* "She took forever writing them, and I thought I was never going to have a chance to talk to you again!" *beep* "So I'd just like to say..." *beep* "that I am so ready for this to be over! We should really go somewhere, Bob." *beep* "Somewhere far, far away, where she can't find us anymore..." *beep* "This whole 'wait six months between announcements' thing is wreaking havoc on my nerves!" *beep* "I can't take it anymore, Bob! I need —" *beep* "I need to get out of here! Please, Bob!" 
          "Bob? Are you even... Do you have your AirPods in? Really? OOOOOOOooooh! I could just spit!" 
          *thump* *grasp* 
          "No backsies, Bob." 
          "Yes, Bob, I know it's beeping. Oh. Now you'll do something about it. Great. Well, might as well make the dumb announcements on the dumb PA system."
          "Attention, Shopmart Shoppers! You can now find our selection of hearing aids in the Pharmacy and Self Care department." 
          "These are great for hearing things. You can also connect them to your phone, I believe. But maybe that's not a good idea. They're all made in an asian country that does NOT rhyme with Dear Aunt Dina.... Oh. I wasn't supposed to mention that bit. And I'm running out of bandwidth on this thing. Moira out. Peace!"
          "This thing... so annoying..." *muffled shuffling* *beep* "Oh, whatever. I'll be back eventually. See ya, Bob. Try not to... ya know... die." *beep* 
          *door closes* 


I love it when they get a “this message may be offensive” tag *grins evilly*
            Your announcements are hilarious micro narratives that would hold their own in a short story book collection (I may be suggesting you create one) 


Hah! It's got a 'this message may be offensive' tag! Score! I wonder if its all the beeping, or the reference to a country that doesn't rhyme with Dina... O.o