
Honing in on the end of the next chapter of It's A Hoot. 
          	This is exciting, we're getting closer to the end of the story. A little bit of calm before the storm.


          Followers and readers
          Some things came up that slowed my progress way down, but don't worry, I'm still working on It's A Hoot. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the next chapter. So it's coming! Slowly, but surely.
          Thank you all for sticking around and enjoying the book. ^-^ I appreciate all the comments you leave! 


do u have any story recommendations


thanks so much for responding i’ll definitely read these


            I have found these to be heartwarming, interesting, and overall pretty well written, especially Bite Me. And To Build A Home. They were all pretty interesting, I hope you find them the same. 
            Bite Me. (by Olivertwist96)
            Midnight Sparks (by Robbenm)
            To Build A Home (by MiloBodin)
            The Stars That Night (by SkeneKidz)
            The Truth About Drew (by honeybodies)


I will start getting back to writing the next chapter for It's a Hoot shortly. I've been caught up in life so I haven't been able to get to it. I appreciate all my readers who are patiently waiting and all the wonderful comments. I love hearing from you guys. Thank you! <3


@AKingOfFate glad to hear you aren't abandoning us readers and don't feel guilty or pressured to start again if you not quite ready yet we love the Wattpad but I'd much rather wait for you to update again and get yourself together then have something happen and you never update again


So, I got a bit distracted from "It's A Hoot"  
          I have several other books I've been working on that have captured my attention, but never fear, I will be back on track soon. I'm almost halfway through with the next chapter.