
Hey cookies, 
          	Who's ready for the new upcoming story "His Obsession"
          	I'm so thrilled to write this new story of mine. It's the first story which isn't fan fiction but it's going to be lit. Because it's freaking NICHOLAS (I WANNA FVVK YOU RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW) VETROVE!!!! 
          	Make sure to check out the playlist and story description!! 
          	Stay safe and well! Byee! Love ya! 


Hi..I'm shiyi..I'm wondering if you have any YouTube channel..because I see your story on YouTube shorts both are the same so I ask this ..don't take me wrong I just ask it..plz reply me I'm curious to know ☺️
          Between I love your story  it's awesome 


@mochi_papa13 Arrange marriage with mafia king


Hey cookies, 
          Who's ready for the new upcoming story "His Obsession"
          I'm so thrilled to write this new story of mine. It's the first story which isn't fan fiction but it's going to be lit. Because it's freaking NICHOLAS (I WANNA FVVK YOU RIGHT HERE. RIGHT NOW) VETROVE!!!! 
          Make sure to check out the playlist and story description!! 
          Stay safe and well! Byee! Love ya! 


Hey cookies!
          I'm going to make updates about my upcoming stories' male leads. Don't forget to check it out! The characters are available to chat with in C.AI<33


@A_Selina_k7 hi can I know is Selina is ur real name because my name is also Selina 


Hey cookies! 
          I have an announcement. As you all know the app C.AI is available. I have created few of my own characters there and they'll be having their own stories soon. Make sure to follow me there to know about my upcoming stories and to have a chat with my characters. 
          My cai id: @Re_Re_SK
          Stay well! 


Dear Cookies, 
          This is your author here. Hope you all are doing well. I know many of you are disappointed in me because of my slow updates but we all have families and issues in our lives. I had to deal with few personal issues for which I couldn't really update fast but now that I'm finally back you'll get your updates soon. 
          Furthermore, those of you who are very good at video editing or arts, you can create arts and videos about my stories and can share it with me in my dms whether in insta or wattpad. I'll be uploading them with full credits in both wattpad and insta. You can also post it in your social media but make sure to give credits. 
          Also, make sure to follow me on insta for more upcoming stories' reels and support me there as well. 
          At last, make sure to stay safe, healthy and happy. I love you all. Take care! Bye! 


@A_Selina_k7 you are the best author bro


@A_Selina_k7 it's okie take your time ✨


Hey, unnie I am waiting for your next update for ' Mafia's revenge yoongi ff. ' I really am waiting for the next update for a long time . Are you ok ? I mean are you doing well ? Because you've said that you will complete that ff at the end of Jan but it's Feb and it's still not complete. Please , please , please , please  I beg you I am dying to read the next chapters. If you are doing well then please can you complete that ff at the end of Feb, please  I beg you .