
Forgive me for being sych a ghost these past months! My lap top refuses to stop turning ill on me, and work has been smacking me across the face sun up till sundown. I'll do my best to get a few things posted the following month! Maybe even a new story I've been toying with for a while (soft cackle followef by awful coughing) 


@AlmaCoraimy ! We forgive you for being a ghost because we know you'll make right up for it. Your stories and your poetry leave me in awe. Thank God I found you on here. It's wonderful to know someone shares my thoughts and they're not as silly as the faces people make irl when I share them. Your stories have set a pretty high bar for writers everywhere. You said you probably won't write a book but I wish you were given the opportunity anyways because damit you've got talent. You've got far more talent than half the published writers I've come across in real life! Your poetry has left it's mark and I will always find myself reciting a stanza or two in my head. Continue to inspire and motivate. Continue to always surprise yourself as you write! You always show us another layer of your soul we fall in love with. I wish you the best. Goodbye.
          -Kirsten Baltazar


@Kaceybltzr  Kacey, you are seriously a true Pen Friend here for me. You are much more than what I had hoped to find here; stories, poems, stringed letters, art. Honestly love you as a writer, and as another soul swimming in this cosmic pool. Thanks for existing, thanks for being strong enough for another day, thanks for being you.


Forgive me for being sych a ghost these past months! My lap top refuses to stop turning ill on me, and work has been smacking me across the face sun up till sundown. I'll do my best to get a few things posted the following month! Maybe even a new story I've been toying with for a while (soft cackle followef by awful coughing) 


          I AM DYING.                    love, melany


@pastelkitten15 yeah but I gotta be called still


@pastelkitten15 Alright, make sure to get the kids


Hey Alma,
          Thank you very much for voting twice for my new series Robots Breathe!  I appreciate it!  I actually reviewed and edited a good chunk of the story a couple minutes ago.  I mostly added to the story! :)  But when you can, tell me how much my grammar and spelling is off?  I would love to improve!  And you seem enlightened by literary eloquence!  I dig it a lot!  Lol!
          Thanks again,
          T. O (I might change my username)


@TarianOdasor I'll do my best to keep up with your story, really do enjoy how it's going so far. I do feel weird pointing out grammar mistakes, criticism is only positive from me lol


I read your bio for the first time, I look up to you.


maybe others don't admit it so often but I bet it won't be the last time someone say it :)


@Kaceybltzr thank you, you're the first one to ever say that 