
Hello Wattpaders,
          	Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          	If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 
          	Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          	The Ambassadors


Language shouldn't be a barrier for reading my romantic novel which is 50% in Telugu. I gave its translation too. Here I am presenting my work to share you about the story between Vennela and Karthik. Hope my work is good. 


Hello Wattpaders,
          Thank you to all the many who submitted their application to join the Ambassador program. We will start to sort through those applications right after the submission form closes this Friday, 7 June 2024. 
          If you are still interested, you have some time to review the Ambassador Program title on the @Ambassador profile and to submit your application. The submission form is available via the link below and on the @Ambassador Bio. 

          Happy Writing and Reading to all =)
          The Ambassadors


Hello everyone, thank you for sharing your stories with us and supporting fellow writers by allowing us to post our story here. 
          Please check out my completed novel. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :). There a lot of indian elements in this story. I promise you guys wont regret it. 


if your language is one of the no longer supported ones as of 11 of June, join us and make as many people as possible aware of the march! Voice your displeasure here and on every social platform of Wattpad and use the hashtags: 
           #WeWantOurLanguageBack  #DisregardingLanguagesIsDiscrimination #WattpadForAllLanguages #Bring (insert language mame here) Back #JusticeFor (insert language name here) Language