
[Message 2/2]
          	3. My work in progress, Under Covers, was started before October 7th, 2023, before the current escalation in extreme violence facing Palestinians both in Occupied Palestine and globally. Under Covers, since its inception, featured a Canadian-Palestinian female main character who works as a spy for the Canadian government. It feels wrong for me to continue writing a story in which Rayna works for a government that is currently complicit in the oppression of her people through financial, material, and political support for Israeli forces. It also feels wrong of me to be writing about the Palestinian experience as a Palestinian-adjacent ally without actual lived experience as a Palestinian. The voices and stories of Palestinian writers and activists should be centered in the current moment, not the work of people like me. Finally, simply changing Rayna’s identity is also not possible — altering Rayna’s nationality would feel like an unconscionable act of erasure in a time of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
          	For these reasons, Under Covers will remain on hiatus. I am so sorry for the sadness and disappointment this has caused, but it feels like the only reasonable way forward right now.
          	In better news, I WILL be returning to my writing with a new spin on an old project. I’m going to be dedicating time to publishing Smoke of Sighs both in an ebook and paperback version, with some fresh and improved content featuring the characters you know and love. More details to come.
          	Thank you all for your love and patience with me. I’m always eternally grateful for the support this community has shown me, and I look forward to returning to you all again soon for more fun times ahead.
          	xoxo Ami


@AmiSpeare You have nothing to be sorry about. Infact I'm really proud of your decision ❤ I'm sure it's a hundred times more difficult for you than it is for us to let go of these beautiful charecters since you're literally the one who created them :""( But I'm glad you made this tough choice anyway ❤
          	  Also (this is kind of a hypocritical advice lol) but make sure you're resting well and taking out time for yourself even though I know your field of work is extremely hectic and it's impossible to maintain work life balance ❤
          	  And lastly I can't wait to brag about the fact that I was one of the "OG" Smoke of Sighs fans once it gets published and gets SUPER SUPER SUPER famous lol *hair flip* XD ❤


@ AmiSpeare  you are an excellent writer! We can understand your reasons!


No need to feel sorry about it. It’s completely understandable! 


[Message 2/2]
          3. My work in progress, Under Covers, was started before October 7th, 2023, before the current escalation in extreme violence facing Palestinians both in Occupied Palestine and globally. Under Covers, since its inception, featured a Canadian-Palestinian female main character who works as a spy for the Canadian government. It feels wrong for me to continue writing a story in which Rayna works for a government that is currently complicit in the oppression of her people through financial, material, and political support for Israeli forces. It also feels wrong of me to be writing about the Palestinian experience as a Palestinian-adjacent ally without actual lived experience as a Palestinian. The voices and stories of Palestinian writers and activists should be centered in the current moment, not the work of people like me. Finally, simply changing Rayna’s identity is also not possible — altering Rayna’s nationality would feel like an unconscionable act of erasure in a time of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
          For these reasons, Under Covers will remain on hiatus. I am so sorry for the sadness and disappointment this has caused, but it feels like the only reasonable way forward right now.
          In better news, I WILL be returning to my writing with a new spin on an old project. I’m going to be dedicating time to publishing Smoke of Sighs both in an ebook and paperback version, with some fresh and improved content featuring the characters you know and love. More details to come.
          Thank you all for your love and patience with me. I’m always eternally grateful for the support this community has shown me, and I look forward to returning to you all again soon for more fun times ahead.
          xoxo Ami


@AmiSpeare You have nothing to be sorry about. Infact I'm really proud of your decision ❤ I'm sure it's a hundred times more difficult for you than it is for us to let go of these beautiful charecters since you're literally the one who created them :""( But I'm glad you made this tough choice anyway ❤
            Also (this is kind of a hypocritical advice lol) but make sure you're resting well and taking out time for yourself even though I know your field of work is extremely hectic and it's impossible to maintain work life balance ❤
            And lastly I can't wait to brag about the fact that I was one of the "OG" Smoke of Sighs fans once it gets published and gets SUPER SUPER SUPER famous lol *hair flip* XD ❤


@ AmiSpeare  you are an excellent writer! We can understand your reasons!


No need to feel sorry about it. It’s completely understandable! 


          [Message 1/2] 
          Hi friends!
          I am SO SORRY for my prolonged absence. I miss you all so dearly and certainly owe you an explanation for my unexpected hiatus this past year.
          1. This has been the craziest, busiest year of med school and the honest truth is that I haven’t had any time or energy to spare
          2. Along with dealing with long hours working in the hospital, I’ve also had to contend, as many of us have, with the collective grief and helplessness that has resulted from current global events. As someone raised Muslim, I have many loved ones who are deeply and negatively affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis and genocide in Palestine, which brings me to point number three —
          (See next post)


Hiya ami :))) hope med school hasn't been murdering you too much, if you also have end sem exams like me I feel you babe the pressure is real. You're not alone and you got thissss!!!! luv ya <3


@in_a_utopia hi! so sorry for my absence! pls see my latest announcement for more information ❤️