
Please do me a HUGE favour and leave a review on GoodReads. Thank you!


Hi! How are you? ♥️


@PadmeSkywalker2 it's lovely to hear from you too! I hope you're doing all right? I've been busy with schoolwork and writing a long story on here :)


Hi everyone. As you know, I'm a published author but I still post my writing here for you to read especially for the feedback. I look forward to reading your comments as they show me who your favorite characters are (then I can expand their parts in the book) as well as know if my book is headed in the right direction. I really look forward to reading each comment but think I may be posting too fast as there aren't many comments on the book. 
          I'm not going to withhold chapters until I get a certain number of comments like some writers on here do, but I will post a new chapter as soon as I see the chapter got comments. This way I will know I'm posting at a good pace too because right now I have no clue.
          Thank you for understanding. Have a great weekend and happy reading!


If you click below the "Scene Collectable Pictures" you will see buttons that allow you to share the pictures on Pinterest, etc. I thought that would be a special treat for my readers. Enjoy!
          I am hoping to start posting two chapters a day. I write quickly so I think that is a good pace. If something unexpected comes up, I might not be able to post, but will on a Saturday. Thank you for your patience. Happy reading!


It is 3:20 am and I have just spent the past few hours rearranging my chapters and giving them a final edit. I added music to each chapter from my playlist so you hear what I was listening to while writing. I hope you like the changes.
          I really need to get some sleep, and will post more chapters later today. My story (the original, earlier parts) were going at a breakneck speed so I wanted to slow it down a bit hoping it will make more sense. This is going to be an ongoing series so everything has to line up. Thank you for your patience. 
          I hope you'll take  a moment to check out all the changes I made. Have a good night. I'll be back in a few hours most likely :)


I just changed the cover of my book, "The Cry of the Wolf" and the title to "The Wolf Whisperers" because I think it will be easier for you guys if all the books in this series are listed in order under the same book cover - this way you don't have to bounce around looking for the next book etc. Each section will clearly be marked so you know what the individual book in the series is as we go along. I'd love to know what you think, but as an avid binge reader myself, I know I would find this far more convenient. Happy readying!


Sorry for the typing in reading - my dog was barking and distracted me. Ugh.