
          	Fantasmical is back!
          	Quick check them out through one of my profile.
          	There's 17 amazing profiles that participating along with 17 fabulous prompts to explore!
          	Can you conquer the land of Fantasmical that open only once a year? Wanna know the answer?
          	Go! Find anything you need to know from this link below! 
          	Thank you ❤️
          	Happy Sunday ✨


          Fantasmical is back!
          Quick check them out through one of my profile.
          There's 17 amazing profiles that participating along with 17 fabulous prompts to explore!
          Can you conquer the land of Fantasmical that open only once a year? Wanna know the answer?
          Go! Find anything you need to know from this link below! 

          Thank you ❤️
          Happy Sunday ✨


          Come and join me with the most amazing interview with the winner of Versification that also becoming my Sister in Wattpad. 
          You may go through this link below, 


          Yeah, I've type it bilingual so there's no reason to not understand it hihi... 
          Alright then, Happy Friday! ❤️


          Congratulations for those who passed to Longlist on ONC'24!! You guys amazing!! 
          I can't believe it you passed the third and final round guys ❤️... 
          TBH, I've joining ONC back in 2023 with my friends but unfortunately we only pass the first round and the story got deserted. Soon we will finish this one ✨.
          I'm so pleased to share to you that my story for ONC'24 passed the final round and made it to LONGLIST. 
          Here, you may check it through this link!

          Thank you guys for your kind support and everything ❤️
          Hope you guys like it the way I write it ✨
          Happiest Friday Y'all ❤️


            Thank You very much, AJ! ✨


@ ArestaDinata  Great news. You deserved. Congratulations. And congratulations to everyone.


          I'm so happy to share my happiness to you all.
          Today, I've been summoned to my HQ (Head Quarter) to take my rewards after achieve something there. Something that quite amazing!! 
          TBH this is not the first time I got my own salary from working but this time is something that feels different since I'm working with my mom and when I got reward she's the one that applause for me and the loudest one with her proud smile ❤️... 
          Well, what could I say? What a wonderful day yet I'm so sleepy. I don't know why but perhaps it's because I'm a Koala after all ✨... 


@ ArestaDinata  Nice to know. Cool news. Congratulations, Aresta. Have a good day.


@MJKristo11 thank you so much! ❤️


Hola quería invitarte a leer mi novela. Si te gusta el romance puede ser una buena historia para que comiences a leer!!!
          Amelia Luxor es una chica buena e inteligente, tiene sueños y metas como cualquier otra... Es una chica común y corriente que no cree en los amores de película. 
          Jonathan Lennox es un actor prometedor que poco a poco se transformó en la estrella de cine furor del momento. Lo que le subió los humos a la cabeza.  
          El destino ya está predestinado y sus mundos están próximos a colisionar... 
          Muchas Gracias!.


@ Giodoni  me paso por tus historias!! Gracias por el apoyo mutuo


            Thank you so much for your kind invitation to read your wonderful story, but I'm sorry please don't take this personal... I'm only can speak Indonesia and English, I can't speak Spanish unfortunately... Can I just came and vote your story? 
            Keep up the good work! Hope your story will be one of the best story that Wattpad have ever seen ❤️...
            Thank you,
            Happy Sunday ✨


          Indeed, I've send you a DM back in 5, May I think you haven't seen it. 
          It's okay I can answer it here.
          So, I see you've followed some profiles from the former Ambassadors profile. There's many contest that soon will held through their profiles. This May, Tales of the deep host Mermay, Multicultural Community also host AAPI with some profiles as collaboration  contest. 
          You may check their new name through my profiles following or through CitifiedFantasy's following... 


Halu, Just wanna kindly ask if yk an acc that still hosts short story contests in any languages ^ ° ^


It says I can't message you nor can i see your message. Thanks tho!!


          My God!
          I can't believe it! I truly can't believe it! 
          I've finished writing 30.000 words for ONC and my entries with titles,
                                           ✨MY FIRST SIGHT✨
          Is done! I've marked it as complete as well ❤️
          Gosh, I can't believe that I can join ONC alone! I thought I couldn't finish it without my Co-author but then I know I can! I only need to be confident and committed to finish my story ❤️
          Here's the link to my entries,

          Thank you ✨
          Hope you like it and may this story lead me to Shortlist or win the ONC'24 ❤️ 
          Happy Monday ✨