
Hi friends!
          	I'm so SO excited to announce DHH has shortlisted in ONC! I'm so grateful to have made it so far this year, even when I thought it was getting a bit rocky there for a second. 
          	I'm also excited to announce An Echo of Silver has been posted! I've debated turning DHH into a full length novel for months now and I've finally decided to move forward with both AES and the Watty's! 
          	Huge luck to all of my fellow ONC and Watty's entries! <3 
          	I love you guys!


Hi friends!
          I'm so SO excited to announce DHH has shortlisted in ONC! I'm so grateful to have made it so far this year, even when I thought it was getting a bit rocky there for a second. 
          I'm also excited to announce An Echo of Silver has been posted! I've debated turning DHH into a full length novel for months now and I've finally decided to move forward with both AES and the Watty's! 
          Huge luck to all of my fellow ONC and Watty's entries! <3 
          I love you guys!


With twenty minutes to spare, packing my whole house, locating another job and apartment, by SOME miracle, I posted chapter 16 and DHH is COMPLETE!!! <3
          Now. Please understand this book was originally meant to be 22 chapters long and nearly 35k words. Some important plot points were cut out for the sake of time. I ended with 25k words and I'm really grateful I got to participate this year despite all of this. 
          Please, please bear with me, as I do plan to rewrite and enhance this for the Wattys this year. I'm so excited to see what the future of this book holds!


Happy 15th Everybody!
          I'm so happy to say Devouring Hollow Hearts has both qualified for Round 2 AND hit 1k reads. I'm so grateful to the ONC community and my friends for all the encouragement-- You know, since I was insane and decided to participate in the middle of moving.
          The Obsidian Marks has also hit 25k!!! I may be a little biased in saying this makes me a bit happier, since it is my love child lol. I'll be posting at 25k bonus in May (I apologize that it's not *at* 25k, but hey, I didn't know I would be moving.)
          Fingers crossed for the Shortlist!!
          I wish everyone the best spring! ♡♡♡


Hey friends! Life Update time!
          At the beginning of last week, I put my two weeks notice into work and started focusing hardcore on packing for my move. I'm so excited for my next adventure in Washington-- I have to appreciate I'm going to be 2 hours on the OTHER side of Portland now lol-- but it's put a huge pause on some of my book club work and writing. I promise come April 1st I'm going to begin Updating TIS (These Ivory Swords) again. Right now, I'm focusing on my ONC entry with the lovely help of the @DreamlandCommunity and even more so @MiyaHikari for not letting me get in my head XD
          I also hope to start getting back to all my new friends in the comments of TOM here next week, I promise. <3
          Happy March everyone!


Hey Everyone!
          I'm so happy to announce that The Obsidian Marks has been added to Wattpad's "A Chosen Hero Rises" Reading List and I couldn't be happier. I'm so grateful to Wattpad for sharing TOM. I cannot wait to return to the sequel and dive back into my love child.
          I know I've been kind of MIA lately, I promise after the move, I'll be back in full force. Between ONC and packing, I've just been super busy. 
          Happy March!!! <3


@AriaOfStorms congratulations! That's so exciting!


Hey Everyone!
          I just wanted to take a minute to say a huge thank you to all of my new readers and followers. TOM being featured has introduced me to a lot of wonderful people and in the last week and a half, we've gotten to ranks in #magic , #humor , #fantasy , and #slowburn. Thank you all so much for making me smile so hard my face hurts. 
          I'm currently packing for a move and TIS will be on hold until April 15th, but I still want to say how grateful I am for all of you <3 
          Happy March!


If you approach me at work and ask if I'm bored--No. I'm not. And yes, I have been asked that 5 times already that day. Its just my face.  
          PSA; Please stop asking people with RBF this lol


@achlys-i  Lol, So much gift, so many wow. I wish it wasn't pain we were feeling XD
            @M_A_Hartman Yeah me too lol. My forced smile is so unsettling.


@TakiZyn Oh that sounds terrible! I at least just look bitter XD
            @Han_writer21 I'm just so over people asking me lol. Tired, bored, sad, whats wrong, like. Nothing. I am just non-reactive XD


After 8 Chapters, 13k words, and two contests, DHH has officially been submitted for ONC and 8CC, or #JustWriteIt
          I want to say a huge thank you to @MiyaHikari, @WrennaStone, @SkyeBMe, @violadavis, @EverythingsNothing, and @empiresofwater for every ounce of feedback, support, and unending motivation <3 I really don't think I could've done it without them. PLEASE go check out their entries as well!
          Good luck in ONC everyone!!! <3


Good luck for ONC and the 8CC


@achlys-i <3 I know, Love I follow both XD


@AriaOfStorms <3 <3 You're welcome! ( I'm also gallie just on my non-fanfiction account xD )