
While I edit the remaining chapters, I have scheduled chapters every Monday until September, and as we grow closer to the end, I'll try and update Mondays AND Fridays so you're not going too long without an update. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think by commenting on each chapter. xoxo


While I edit the remaining chapters, I have scheduled chapters every Monday until September, and as we grow closer to the end, I'll try and update Mondays AND Fridays so you're not going too long without an update. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think by commenting on each chapter. xoxo




@NormanWilliams3 I changed my mind so many different times but as I was writing I was pushed in a particular direction. I’ve been started writing some of Book 3 before the full planning because the inspiration really hit me. The last few chapters I’m so proud of xoxo
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@Artful_Becca i'll be looking forward how you end things in AED 2 and what will be in AED 3  :)
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Witting AED and somehow New Orleans is coming up wayyyyy before it was introduced in the show. Hey! If I’m going to follow my gut and change things, why don’t just go big ;-)


@isabellacjones potentially. It may be too soon for the Davina arc but I’m reading up on the New Orleans series. I only watched a few episodes but know it was a big part of Elijah and Klaus’s long life xoxo 
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@Artful_Becca Aella maybe can help Davina out of her situation and hide her in a safe place where she and her parents used to live the community
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An Elemental Difference is such a refreshing book, and I thought I’d give my positive feedback. I’ve reread that book so many times, I’ve lost count!
          I finally found a good tvd book where the OC is actually the main character in their own story! It is beyond hard to find books like that!
          I absolutely love everything there is to love about your book! 


Awwww wow, what a lovely message to wake up to. That is exactly why I created this book, because I couldn’t find a book where the OC being involved actually makes a change to things. I really appreciate you reaching out, I’m writing some difficult scenes that really change TVD and this kinda boost makes it worth the stress. Thank you so much for taking the time to message me. <3 xoxo
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I noticed that Violent Delights was updated. Does that mean you will start working on Games of Thrones or are you still doing it after you finish your vampire diaries stories??


@Artful_Becca No I knew you wanted to finish your vampire diaries stories first. I just wasn't sure if you got tired and wanted to work on your other story. I love your vampire diaries stories too I am just not into the show right now . There is no rush. Promise. I'm always reading something so it's all
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I originally removed it because i was editing it however, I underestimated how much work my Elemental Difference TVD books would need and Book 2 for Violent Delights is delayed, so I re-posted it so people can still enjoy it. Sorry if it made you think book 2 was about to be released. I swear it will be written this year, I am not George R.R Martin lol xoxo
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Part 2 
          I rambled way more than I thought I would. 
          I’m genuinely curious. I’m not trying to start anything or accuse you of anything if it’s coming across that way. That’s something I’m trying to avoid. Like I said my brain is just hyper focused on this right now. TVD is very well known for having very little representation in the show. And any representation that has been in it has not been great. One of the only “good” representation that they have is the Bennett witch line. So to me, it’s a very interesting choice that your OC is white. Why not just create a whole new witch line that has nothing to do with the Bennett’s and make them white? There are definitely ways to have the same story that you currently have without Aella being a Bennett. Again it’s been a while since I have read the first book. I’m only now rereading it so please point me to the correct areas if I’m wrong and I just haven’t gotten to it or I missed it. The entire time that I was reading this before I had this thought process I was imagining her, and this is pretty basic lol, as Zendaya with green eyes and I’ll just continue doing that. 
          Have an amazing night, and I hope that my inquiry didn’t upset you in any way. 


@LinabelSanchez I’m so happy you understand. Many people have said I’ve white washed Aella but Aella is a part of me and I am white. I will never understand how a person of colour feels or the stigma they face simply because their skin is different from mine. If I’m going to crate an OC character I have to understand how they feel and what perception of them can be. My cousin and I are close, like Aella and Bonnie once were. I wanted to tell our story through them. However, with Bonnie, the story took over from itself when MY cousin actually brought up the fact that Bonnie could have a different opinion of Aella once she knew what Aella had been keeping from her and just how powerful Aella was. I appreciate you contacting me instead of making some sarcastic and mean remark that helps no one xoxo
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Thank you for the clarification I appreciate it! See this is why I reread things because I don’t remember this part of the story at all!  
            This entire time I’m thinking her dad is Sheila’s bio son. 
            Another reason I think I hyper focused on this is I have a similar situation as you. My mom, brothers, and the majority of my family are all pretty much white passing Latinos and I’m one of the few in my family with color so I totally understand what your saying. 
            Can’t wait for the next update!! 
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Also, Sheila felt more of a familiar connection than just another witch and did some investigating (DNA/family tree) and discovered she and Calvin were related by blood too xoxo
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Part 1
          First and foremost I would like to apologize for the rambling that is about to happen(this all had to be broken up into two parts because it was so long). Second I’d like to say I love Elemental and I think you write amazingly! 
          Okay so it’s very late for me, I’ve had an exhausting day and my brain is hyper focused on this thought I had while rereading the first elemental book. Why is Aella’s face claim white? It’s been a while since I’ve read the first book and I just got back into the series so I wanted to refresh my memory on the story and I’m a few chapters in, and maybe I missed it but I don’t see anything that would indicate Aella has a lick of melanin in her. So I went to the cover and the girl on there is, to me, very clearly white. Aella is half Bennett meaning she’s at least half African American. I’m assuming, because I have also not seen any info on what her mother looked like, that Aella’s mother is white. Now there are many biracial people that appear 100% white physically and they experience a world of challenges because of it. If that was your goal with Aella I’d think that’s pretty amazing because minorities are so rarely represented and more so white passing minorities and their struggles; but again I haven’t seen that in the story, and maybe I missed it so please tell me. However, since I haven’t seen any indication that that was the intention, I have to assume you just made her white for some reason? So then my question would be why would you do that?