
I had redownloaded the app on my phone and was so glad to see you still have your work on here, I follow you on tumblr but I’ve liked so many things it takes me so long to sometimes find what I’m looking for, anyways Traitor is by far one of my favorite works that you’ve done. I have many others that you’ve written that I love, like the Altair hitman one shots.  I’m so glad that you’re still here and still writing. Keep up the good work!!!


Hello!!! I started reading The Jackdaw yesterday and I'm absolutely loving it!! Please continue writing it, you're really talented and your book caught my attention! I really want to read it till the end ☺☺


@ArvaleeKnight Hooray!! I was so happy to read your response! Happy writing, I'll send you lots of inspiration! 


@Rysaynys Thank you so much for saying so!!! It really makes my day brighter!! I haven't been able to write much for it but I'll definitely give it a try tonight!!


You are very talented!! I have read some of your stories and me being a MAJOR bookworm and having read a lot of books yours is really really really good. Please keep up the good work. Bye now. ;) Nothing is true everything is permitted! ⚔


@ArvaleeKnight  Of course it catches people's attention! Your stories are better than those I have read and that's saying something. ^_^   ;)


@Kakashi1Knight I’ve got some amazing friends and support for my stories but it still amazes me that any of what I write actually catches someone’s attention!


Of course your not insane you just are very dedicated to your stories. Wish I could do that but I'm ADD so it would be very hard. But do you not get appreciated for taking time out of your day to update or write stories?