
Hi guys! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? 
          	My life has had some crazy updates. I started college, got a job, started dating someone super wonderful, started working out like crazy, got into yoga and meditation, thrifting, writing songs, and doing gigs. For those who don’t know, I am pursuing a degree in vocal performance!
          	I used to write because it was an escape. A way for me to create a reality that I vicariously could live in. A reality where there was unadulterated love and boundless adventure. I wrote because I dreamed of the days when I would be older and in college, with a job, and a partner.
          	But now I’m here. And it’s crazy. And scary. And wonderful. And heartbreaking. I’ve gone thru as much hell as I have heaven.
          	Originally, I had planned to write 2 more books before I finally retired this account. But I’m at the point where while I love to write, I can’t bring myself to do it here. I still love BTS and kpop a lot, but I have admittedly pulled back and discovered other interests to share alongside that and don’t find inspiration the same way. 
          	Maybe someday I will come back and write those remaining 2 books. They’re still in my drafts with written chapters and plot points. Perhaps in the summer like I always do.
          	But as many of you have probably noticed, I have stopped responding to comments and have kinda disappeared. Trust me, I still read, laugh, and appreciate every single comment and interaction. But I just don’t have the time or stamina to keep up like I used to. 
          	I want my account to forever be a safe haven where anyone can get away and escape reality. Everyone is welcomed and enough and worthy. And I hope my stories provide solace and joy where there may not be.
          	So for now, I’ll say goodbye! But I will try to see you as soon as possible.


Damn I love you, and I miss you, be happy didi!!


@BTStrashcrack its so sad to hear that such a skillful writer like u is retiring but at the same time i am happy u found something u love and i hope everything works out for u. Also im hoping u remember me ur no 1 fan. And remember that there are people who love u.


@BTStrashcrack I love your books and writing so much ! It's so nice that your life seems to be progressing so much, good luck with your music by the way would love to hear it one day! Besides that I wish you lots of luck on your journey and hope you accomplish lots of things!


hi! new follower here :) sadly i read that you're not that active here anymore but im thankful that i stumbled upon this account. thank you for giving me a good cry and laugh and pain on 'sperm donor' it was undeniably an amazing story. i wasn't a big fan of character pov but yours an exception! i can't wait to read your other stories too! and with that i missed the boys more *ugly cries* bts will always and be forever in my heart 


Hi guys! It’s been awhile hasn’t it? 
          My life has had some crazy updates. I started college, got a job, started dating someone super wonderful, started working out like crazy, got into yoga and meditation, thrifting, writing songs, and doing gigs. For those who don’t know, I am pursuing a degree in vocal performance!
          I used to write because it was an escape. A way for me to create a reality that I vicariously could live in. A reality where there was unadulterated love and boundless adventure. I wrote because I dreamed of the days when I would be older and in college, with a job, and a partner.
          But now I’m here. And it’s crazy. And scary. And wonderful. And heartbreaking. I’ve gone thru as much hell as I have heaven.
          Originally, I had planned to write 2 more books before I finally retired this account. But I’m at the point where while I love to write, I can’t bring myself to do it here. I still love BTS and kpop a lot, but I have admittedly pulled back and discovered other interests to share alongside that and don’t find inspiration the same way. 
          Maybe someday I will come back and write those remaining 2 books. They’re still in my drafts with written chapters and plot points. Perhaps in the summer like I always do.
          But as many of you have probably noticed, I have stopped responding to comments and have kinda disappeared. Trust me, I still read, laugh, and appreciate every single comment and interaction. But I just don’t have the time or stamina to keep up like I used to. 
          I want my account to forever be a safe haven where anyone can get away and escape reality. Everyone is welcomed and enough and worthy. And I hope my stories provide solace and joy where there may not be.
          So for now, I’ll say goodbye! But I will try to see you as soon as possible.


Damn I love you, and I miss you, be happy didi!!


@BTStrashcrack its so sad to hear that such a skillful writer like u is retiring but at the same time i am happy u found something u love and i hope everything works out for u. Also im hoping u remember me ur no 1 fan. And remember that there are people who love u.


@BTStrashcrack I love your books and writing so much ! It's so nice that your life seems to be progressing so much, good luck with your music by the way would love to hear it one day! Besides that I wish you lots of luck on your journey and hope you accomplish lots of things!


Happy new year!! I have no idea if you still write since i haven't been active on wattpad in a while,, but I just wanted to let you know i still think back to your books and that some of them absolutely made my year back in 2021 (sperm donor was the most iconic thing to come out of my time on discord)
          I hope you're doing well hehe :D


This is so sweet!! I do still have Wattpad but I just have gotten really wrapped up in life that I don’t come on often but I appreciate the message!! And happy new year to you too!! I do miss the writing days and if I had time I totally would do more haha


I MEANT WATTPAD BYE, clearly I spend tm time on discord :skull:


Hey just wanted to tell you author-nim that omg ur books are the best like I have read sperm donor for like the 4 time and im starting to read it once again like it's the best book I recommend that u should really make a book out of it like I would buy it the moment it gets launched like wow ur books are amazing and u shouldn't stop love u author-nim im sure one day u will be well known for ur books and the fantasy that u have 


Awww thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate your support and the enjoyment you got is all that I could’ve ever asked for