
Hey everybody! I apologize for the delay but The Alpha Hybrid and His Human has been relaunched and is now available for purchase through either Kindle or Paperback. Here is the link.....
          	I would also like to let you know I am already in  the works with getting my next book published and will let you all know when that too is out and available. Thanks again for being so patient and understanding as well as supporting my work and being the awesome fans and people in general!! Love you all and hope you enjoy. :) ❤️


 Also, please don't forget to leave a review and let me know what you think. :) 


Hey everybody! I apologize for the delay but The Alpha Hybrid and His Human has been relaunched and is now available for purchase through either Kindle or Paperback. Here is the link.....

          I would also like to let you know I am already in  the works with getting my next book published and will let you all know when that too is out and available. Thanks again for being so patient and understanding as well as supporting my work and being the awesome fans and people in general!! Love you all and hope you enjoy. :) ❤️


 Also, please don't forget to leave a review and let me know what you think. :) 


Here I go again for the fourth time.Trying to eat all of your works. Pray for me.


@HeidiCass     LOL. I know what that is like. 


@BettieBurton  READ  READ  not eat.Still the 4th time .


And I pray you don't get sick of them. :)


Hi can anyone help me find this book. It was about a girl who had moved to New York to get away from an abusive ex and her company sends her back to her hometown so that they can work on a ranch. And then she refuses to ride the horses bc she doesn’t want to give up her identity and the fact that she used to do rodeo and then her and the ranch owner fall in love. 


Hey everybody! I got works from my Publisher and for any inconvenience for those of you who have purchased a copy of my book The Alpha Hybrid and His Human.  They are currently fixing the grammical issues they had and in the meantime, if any of you whom had purchased a copy whether Ebook or Paperback, the following is for you all. However, of course, if any of you do not care about the errors then don't need to worry about the following. 
          So whomever purchased the paperbacks, you can either choose getting your own kindle copy at no additional cost of course, or a $5 Amazon gift card. They will need you to provide the following:
          1. Proof of Purchase - If the address can be seen, they can just block it out. We just need to make sure that they have indeed bought the paperbacks prior to the re-editing. Please make sure the date of purchase is included. I would also advise to have your readers send to you via personal message. This is to avoid others potentially taking the screenshot and claiming it as their own.
          2. The email address to send the kindle or the gift card to. Please let your readers know that we will only be sending it onc, so they have to make sure that those email addresses work and are connected to their kindle account/Amazon account.
          Again I am so very sorry for any inconvenience and they are hurrying to fix their errors so that it will be up again to purchase and will let you all know when it is available ASAP. I love you all and appreciate you all very much. And again apologize for any inconvenience. I promise it will be up again for purchase soon enough. :):) Hugs to you all. 
          Please send to my email:


I am so sad, I can't buy the book, The Alpha Hybrid and his Human, it is unavailable


No worries, I forgot about that, I will wait patiently for the book to be released, thank you so much for getting back to me


@lonelygirl2323   My apologies. They are fixing the mistakes I had to point out. When they gave me the final draft to proofread it was the night before the launch. When I went through it a month ago after someone pointed grammar issues, I had to go and proofread and point out the issues. They are currently fixing the grammar issues. When available again to purchase I promise to tell you all. I am sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime. 


Okay, I am gonna do my second ever, fan fiction and it will be on Chase Matthews. He is a new rising country music artist whom I find to be hot and sexy as hell. Pardon my French. I would love to meet this man. Wish I could date him too. But anyways, I was thinking of doing it. Not sure what it will be called yet but hope you all like it and will let you all know when it is up. It will of course have some racy scenes, so hope you all like it. 


OMG! I finally have posted the first two chapters to my new story, The Rejected Alpha. I hope that you all enjoy it. Thanks again for the patience and understanding of things as they have become more busy lately in the past month. So thanks again and hope you all enjoy. ❤️ Huuuuge hugs to you all. 


@BettieBurton loving this book already, excited to see where it goes