
          	So I passed my permit with a 100, still working for my actually license though but I’m going to be getting that really soon. 
          	Got rejected from a few jobs but I’m in contact with a temp agency to help me. 
          	Got into the community college that I applied for and I registered for classes. I start this fall!
          	Thank you everyone who have been supporting me through this process and from the beginning of this story. I have not been able to work on the next chapter unfortunately. However, I realized that wattpad will always be here and that it shouldn’t consume my life. I’m extremely grateful for every single one of you and for those of you who still support me when I had decided go on hiatus (which will continue until I can get the whole school thing organized as well as work). 
          	Thank you again, and I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, as well as having a wonderful day/night. 


          So I passed my permit with a 100, still working for my actually license though but I’m going to be getting that really soon. 
          Got rejected from a few jobs but I’m in contact with a temp agency to help me. 
          Got into the community college that I applied for and I registered for classes. I start this fall!
          Thank you everyone who have been supporting me through this process and from the beginning of this story. I have not been able to work on the next chapter unfortunately. However, I realized that wattpad will always be here and that it shouldn’t consume my life. I’m extremely grateful for every single one of you and for those of you who still support me when I had decided go on hiatus (which will continue until I can get the whole school thing organized as well as work). 
          Thank you again, and I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, as well as having a wonderful day/night. 


Hello everyone that I’m about to disappoint. Well, I’m going on hiatus. I’m going to be getting my license, car, job, and going to school in the fall. (First three are happening in the next week or so and I need to study for my license). 
          I’m really sorry but I have to take this next step in my life. Unfortunately, I won’t have time to be on here and if I do it will only be to check for updates and notifications. I can’t really say when I’ll be back to update. Again, I’m sorry and I hope that you all can understand.


I DID IT!!! I got my bellybutton and my septum pierced! I’m so proud of myself. (You can see a picture of me with my bellybutton on the latest chapter of The Ambassador). I got a retainer septum and asked for it to be put in hidden so I don’t have a picture of that yet. 
          Also, I can’t over exaggerate the muscles/movements around my nose or it’ll hurt. My bellybutton also hurts but that’s to be expected. Lady told me to not touch my nose at all for the first month. She said to clean my bellybutton one at LEAST once a day so I’ve been doing it if it starts to hurt more than usual. So far I’ve done it 4 times today (I got it pierced yesterday). I also looked up how to make saline (saltwater) so I’m not just mixing table salt and tap water. So yea... super proud and super happy.


Piercings yay!!! That is totally not sarcastic but anyways here is my dilemma. So I already know that my mom is supportive of me getting a navel piercing (bellybutton) bUt she doesn’t really like septums... here is some background as to why I want to get one. 
          So my younger cousin(only by a few years) really wants a septum piercing. So she tried on a fake one and went downstairs to show it off a little. Problem was that my mom and aunt (her mom) didn’t like it very much and teased her and said how they’d pull her around like a bull. VeRY messed up I know. And that’s why I want to get one first. That way she isn’t treated like the black sheep of the family but I’m sUPer nervous and need some support right now. 
          (Also I talked to my bf about getting one and he said that I would look sexy with one but I told him I’d get it done months ago and I really want to surprise him so... yea..)


So I've been bored lately and there's just been a lot on my mind... specifically about writing... and advice... My solution is to write a book about advice. It's more of a lecture, the chapters I mean. I don't really do step by steps. It's called Unsolicited Writing Advice. Great title I know.
          Anyways I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, as well as having a great day/night.


Oh! I forgot to mention that I have an ao3 account. The Ambassador, as well as my original stories are on there. All of the chapters on The Ambassador as well as the others are the exact same on here. (The only difference for The Ambassador are the amount of chapters and chapter titles, the info inside is the exact same though). 
          My ao3 account is - AndromedaCrewe367
          Anyways I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, as well as having a great day/night.


THE AMBASSADOR IS FINALLY UPDATED!!! If you go to the last chapter (IT DOESN'T MATTER) it has been updated, meaning that I made it longer. I would like to apologize to everyone for taking so long to update, but unfortunately a few things have came up and had taken priority over this.
          Anyways, I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, as well as having a wonderful day/night.


So if y’all didn’t know I live in Hawaii. In the South Pacific Ocean I’m pretty sure there was an earthquake, something about it being and 8.1. There was a Tsunami warning for New Zealand and there are flood warning for the island that I’m on. It’s been storming like crazy and since I live a bit higher in altitude than a lot of people I haven’t really experienced any floods. Also the internet has been going out so I can’t really be on here. There’s not much of a storm now so I’m able to actually post this notice. 
          Anyways, I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and happy as well as having a wonderful day/night.


@LittleApricot2 I’m doing just fine don’t worry. Like I said we have more altitude (more into the mountain part) so our house or neighborhood has not experienced any flooding. As far as I know everyone else is doing ok as well. I’m also sure they’re having a fun time surfing. 
            The storms also let up a bit every once in a while. However a few hours ago I saw quite a bit of lighting, nothing close so that’s good. But yea... I now hate rain. 


@AndromedaCrewe Oh my gods- are you okay?!


Hey everyone, a family emergency is happening right now so I can’t be on here for about a week or two. I also won’t be able to work on the chapter during this time. Sorry y’all. 
          Anyways, I hope everyone is have a good day/night, as well as staying healthy and safe.