
Ebook is live on Amazon!!! 
          	We’re still waiting for Amazon to process the paperback but Shadows of the Past is officially available! 


I absolutely love your books they truly are my favorite. do you have them available to buy anywhere they have been very hard to find. I just Hurd that you have changed somethings and I am very excited to read them again


Glad you found it!! I appreciate the support and I’m so happy you love my books :)


@Cavalier_Spaniel I found it  thank you so much I can't wait for it gor get here 
            Thank you again and thank you for all your amazing books  ❤️


Hi everyone! I'm currently conducting an interview about religion and religious practices for my assignment. If anyone of you is a Jew, Christian, or Zorostrian willing to help me in this interview, please message me, and I will be very grateful. <3


Just a few questions I’m knew on wattpad and I found your books on YouTube. it was my favorite series and I loved it so much it got me really into reading. when I got wattpad it was one of the first series I looked up but I had to asked why you changed them so much and what happened to The Kings Flame and Lost Princess and why you changed the titles also why in hidden fox you changed what the girls were like calamari she was a phoenix and you changed her to a tiger. I mean no disrespect by my questions but hidden fox was my favorite and I like the rewrite it was a really good rewrite but I would really like to know why you rewrote it when it was really good you don’t have to answer my questions I just really would appreciate it because your books got me really into reading. thanks for being a great author too. Like I said you don’t have to reply if you don’t want to but I would highly appreciate it. Also my sister loves your books too we listened to them with each other and it was a good conversation topic.


It does thank you I thought that I came of as rude and was going to delete it cause I really didn’t want to be mean but thank you for answering my questions the new hidden fox is definitely better and I can’t wait for you to be done so I can read them all thank you again for replying


Awe thank you for this kind message! I’m glad to hear my books got you to enjoy reading that’s awesome! To answer your questions: I changed hidden fox because I wanted it to be slightly more realistic and slightly more…horrific I guess in what happens to the girls and why they are there in the first place. I also have been slowly changing all the books to fit a new plotline I have been working on for a couple of years now as I publish the books on Amazon. These new version will connect in new ways and the books are edited and rewritten to a better quality than they were originally. I took away The Kings Flame and Lost Princess because they were no longer relevant to the current story I am creating and connecting the first two books to. I know fans of those two books are disappointed in the disappearance of TKF and LP but trust me what I have in mind is definitely worth waiting. Basically I am replacing those two with Hunted and Blind and Broken by connecting these two to the rest of the story and making it all one big thing. Hope this answers your questions! 


          Shadows of the Past has an official cover you can check out in my author page on the TypeWriterPub site!
          ALSO! THE BOOK IS AVAILABLE TOMORROW ON AMAZON!!! Professionally edited with extra scenes AND and extra epilogue that’s I’ve never released here on Wattpad before! YAYYYYY! 
          AND another never-before-seen bonus chapter will be available separately FOR FREE until March 4th! 
          Here’s the bonus chapter! It should be free starting tomorrow for the weekend! 

          Thanks everyone!


Hey there!
          I need your help in choosing the perfect cover for my upcoming book, Shadows of the Past. Your opinion matters, and I'm thrilled to have you join me on this creative journey.
          Take a minute to show some love for your favorite cover by picking one from the options provided. Feel free to share this poll with your fellow bookworm buddies. The more, the merrier!
          Vote here: #sotp-cover" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #sotp-cover</a>
          Voting closes on February 24, 2023, so don't wait too long to cast your vote.
          Thanks for helping me make this tough decision, and may the best cover win!


@Cavalier_Spaniel I just voted. They all look great, so it wasn't so easy to pick one. 


@Janipoesia it should still be up if you try the link again! Voting is open until the 24th!  #sotp-cover" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #sotp-cover</a> 


@Cavalier_Spaniel I can't get to it, it seems to have disappeared from my computer so sorry that I didn't cast a vote.


Hey I'm glad that you've updated on your other books but do you plan to ever finish blind and broken I would really like to find out what her mates doing and if he ever made somebody else it's just been on my mind I really enjoyed that story I like rejection stories and I really been interested in this story I know you got a life like everybody else but if you ever get a chance I really would like to know I appreciate you responding back when you get a chance thanks


Thanks for reaching out, I love hearing from people who love my books! I wish I could give her a definitive answer, but I seriously can’t. I have a lot going on and I’m more focused on perfecting the main wolf series before I branch into any others. I have plans to rewrite or at least heavily edit and change Blind and Broken to tie it into BtS, SotP, and Hidden Fox before I can really do much. Thanks for being patient and I hope you can enjoy the other books for now!


Hey everyone! I've got some exciting news to share, and I hope it brings an extra splash of joy to your day:
          My second book “Shadows of the Past” is getting published!
          A heartfelt thank you goes to each and every one of you for making this possible!
          Join me on this rollercoaster of emotions as Shadows of the Past takes its place in the literary spotlight. Writing is a passion of mine, and I'm absolutely thrilled to have such an incredible community to share it with.
          Mark your calendars: Shadows of the Past is set to hit the shelves on February 29, 2024.
          Now, a quick heads up for my fellow Wattpad enthusiasts. Due to some copyright-related housekeeping, I'll need to remove some of Fatal War’s chapters from the platform before the book's release. I know that gets frustrating on wattpad here, but I promise it’s just so that I don’t get copyrighted from Amazon for my own work, so I have to to protect myself and my creations. Thanks for understanding. 
          I really hope for the support I was shown with Breaking the Silence (Silent Luna!) by my followers running to Amazon to have my second book join the first on their shelves. Thanks everyone, I’m so excited!
          (Also heads up! I plan on doing the same for Hidden Fox eventually )


@Cavalier_Spaniel thank you so muchh! I wish you everything good in life 