
Greetings Beauties! 
          	New chapter of Fractured Fate is out for those of you who are interested! Be sure to check out what Cael and Sophie are up to in this next chapter:
          	Hope everyone has an amazing and fun weekend ahead!


Greetings Beauties! 
          Happy Almost-Weekend! There's a new chapter of Fractured Fate out for those of you who have been following Cael and Sophie on their journey:

          Thank you SO much to everyone who has been reading and supporting this story so far! The amount of love has been incredible and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you!! 
          Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend!


You really really reallyy deserve more attention. You're writing is great, your plots are awesome. I have no idea why there are not as many reads as you deserve tho. (All of this translates to I am your greatest fan and I love your writing


You're very welcome! Your stories are truly engaging, and I'm sure many more readers will discover and appreciate your work soon. Keep up the fantastic writing!


@Ewww0409 Hi! Omg you're so sweet!! Thank you SO much for the kind words — they mean more than you know ❤️ I'm so thrilled you're enjoying my work! Thank you so much for reading!!