
Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well! 
          	I haven’t really gotten any more ideas concerning the book “A part of it”, but seeing how much the book is loved to this day and how many ppl vote on it makes my heart warm. 
          	This update to let you all know that I will try my best to get back to writing as many chapters as possible to let you know all the ideas I have about it. 
          	Thank you for never letting me down and always supporting me. 
          	Lots of love 


Hi guys, I hope you are all doing well! 
          I haven’t really gotten any more ideas concerning the book “A part of it”, but seeing how much the book is loved to this day and how many ppl vote on it makes my heart warm. 
          This update to let you all know that I will try my best to get back to writing as many chapters as possible to let you know all the ideas I have about it. 
          Thank you for never letting me down and always supporting me. 
          Lots of love 


Hello guys, hope you’re all having a great day! 
          I am so gutted and so saddened by the news of Queen Elisabeth II passing. 
          As you know my book “A Royal Story” is all about British monarchy and I made so many researches about the royal family, the Queen and everything that weirdly enough it feels like I knew her. 
          Anyway I just wanted to come here and express my feelings of sadness and also how much of an icon she was in every way and I am sure that she will be missed and remembered by a lot of people♡ 
          She kept her promise and now it’s time for her to rest 


Hi guys ☺️ 
          I don’t know why but there are some users that keep on commenting weird links on my stories and I have reported it to Wattpad but I got the reply that the users aren’t violating any guidelines ‍♀️ anyway if you see any of those weird comments could you please block or report them to me? 
          Thank you all for your help  
          Stay safe ♡ 


Thanks for the votes on Whirl :) I appreciate it


You’re very welcome I loved your story  there’s a laps between my votes bcs I read the rest of your story at work and I can’t log in so that’s why but I would have voted on all of them ♡ 


Heyy! Thank you smm for the votes on my book and also for following me! I really appreciate it! Have a great day and stay safe xx


@Cephxx I’m super glad I could do that! It seriously means a lot! ♥️ 


@oxAmoristxo you’re welcome! You’re a great writer and you inspired me a lot on writing my new book  stay safe too ♡


I’ve loved reading all those books abt the Avengers lately and so I decided to try my own on one of those books, I hope you guys will like it and pls don’t be too harsh it’s my very first one on that topic  the book is titled “A Part Of It” and I hope you’ll love it as much as me ❤