
this message may be offensive
I’m officially done with this is shit man. Ppl say I’m fucking simping on mfs. I haven’t been on this app for weeks. I’m barely active here. Anyone can agree with that. Srsly man. There are still mfs out there spreading lies about me like “good time” (obviously I’m talking about 2020, 2021). How the fuck am I gonna do this like this? Ppl are stressing me out, frustrating me. Calling S I M P. Only ppl I simp on is your mf mom (lol :] ). But srsly. I’m done with this shit. Tomorrow, I will leave my last message and really delete this act. I’m prolly not gonna come back. Cause I never get time to write my books. I’m always busy with my life, I can’t come here and check shit. And ppl don’t wanna be with me because I can’t answer there dms because IM BUSY. I’m not like you. Always online, looking for meat to fuck or smt. This community messed up


@ChaseTheRaer God damn it, I took a while to find this account and even this ones discontinued ;-;
          	  You made some of my favourite paw patrol fanfictions


yea he is not coming back yall


            his storiesare very good.


this message may be offensive
I’m officially done with this is shit man. Ppl say I’m fucking simping on mfs. I haven’t been on this app for weeks. I’m barely active here. Anyone can agree with that. Srsly man. There are still mfs out there spreading lies about me like “good time” (obviously I’m talking about 2020, 2021). How the fuck am I gonna do this like this? Ppl are stressing me out, frustrating me. Calling S I M P. Only ppl I simp on is your mf mom (lol :] ). But srsly. I’m done with this shit. Tomorrow, I will leave my last message and really delete this act. I’m prolly not gonna come back. Cause I never get time to write my books. I’m always busy with my life, I can’t come here and check shit. And ppl don’t wanna be with me because I can’t answer there dms because IM BUSY. I’m not like you. Always online, looking for meat to fuck or smt. This community messed up


@ChaseTheRaer God damn it, I took a while to find this account and even this ones discontinued ;-;
            You made some of my favourite paw patrol fanfictions


During the day, I’m patrol cop. But during the night, I break the rules. No limits for speed. I may seem like a normal cop, but there are so many things you don’t know about me. Turn the key, burn all limits. Big risks comes big rewards. Don’t be a pussy and do it. 


@ChaseTheRacer hey amigo, long time no see, hru?


“The Chase” is in works rn, Ch7 of “You Are The Only One I Love” will currently be on hold. I ran out of ideas lol


How about chase is a sayian like goku


@ChaseTheRacer hmmmm hey how about I give you some 