
Hard to believe, after all this time (three years?) that I'm really about to restart 'Cladessa' - book 2 of The Taverner's Daughter - here on Wattpad. It's all written, but needs typing up into the final manuscript. I have a new keyboard arriving late next week and then we'll be away. 
          	Cheers, Christine


Trust me you are amazing...
          Like you are 66 and on Wattpad writing amazing books...
          Don't stop, just trust me you are fire...
          Don't get offended but I didn't really expect a 66 year old on Wattpad but I am proud I really am.....
          Keep on writing great books and Happy 6th year anniversary..
          And I surely am no one to tell you all of this since I am younger than you but I jst want you to know that I support you,


@ChristineJRandall of course age is just a number :)


@_xrystal Thanks for kind words and encouragement.  It means a lot. I've always had lots of support here — when I manage to be here — despite my age.  Thanks again. C.J.R.


Hard to believe, after all this time (three years?) that I'm really about to restart 'Cladessa' - book 2 of The Taverner's Daughter - here on Wattpad. It's all written, but needs typing up into the final manuscript. I have a new keyboard arriving late next week and then we'll be away. 
          Cheers, Christine


WOW!!! Just checking my inbox and discovered that Wattpad has put Taniel (The Taverner's Daughter 1) in their ''Hidden Gems - Fantasy'' list. What an honour.  If I got nominated somehow, by any of my followers, thank you!  
          Thanks to the new people who have followed me, voted and commented during my absences.
          Cladessa finally gets underway on December 15 - really, really, really this time.   :)


Have missed you lots Christine, and your lovely photos. 
          Hope all's well.
          Hugs for Vika


@ zahera37  as long as you're ok :)
            Looking forward to updates in Cladessa !!


@zahera37 Thanks. I've been a really bad Wattpadder for some time now. All about to change and this time I will not vanish unless I'm sick or dead  - promise.