
OMG We hit 1k for the book "My liberation poems" thank you so much to all of you, who read it and vote and expressed their thoughts in the comments, thank you so much, I so appreciate your support.
          	Wish you all the best and may God bless you with all your Heart's desires ❤️


@Daisytell30 congratulations on your first milestone, may you achieve all what you want, success is an ally for those who try ;)


@Daisytell30 Congratulations!!! All the best!


Hello! Apologies, but I'm a newly published author with my first big storybook of poetry published through Gotham Books. Trying to help shed some spotlight on my book. If anyone loves mystical poetry and real-life experiences shared through poetic words, please give my book a read. I have a few samples of my poems from the book below. Additionally, there is a link provided to purchase it. The book is titled "An Angel That Fell That Saved A Boy From Hell." You can also visit my author website page at Jonathanshawbooks.com. Thank you for considering my work!  https://www.wattpad.com/story/364733686-an-angel-that-fell-that-saved-a-boy-from-hell https://jonathanshawbooks.com/


OMG We hit 1k for the book "My liberation poems" thank you so much to all of you, who read it and vote and expressed their thoughts in the comments, thank you so much, I so appreciate your support.
          Wish you all the best and may God bless you with all your Heart's desires ❤️


@Daisytell30 congratulations on your first milestone, may you achieve all what you want, success is an ally for those who try ;)


@Daisytell30 Congratulations!!! All the best!


liberation poems  is about my journey exploring my feelings and emotions and accepting the way i am so i can level up, i hope it will help even one person to start their journey and liberate themselves from whatever it holds them back to live their life to the fullest.