
Nuclear Love part four has been updated!


Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I am going to Nekocon in November in Hampton VA. First day I’m going to be female sans, second day I’m going to be Jeff the killer, and the third day I’m either going to be female human Foxy, Hungary from Hetalia or Kaneki Len from Tokyo ghoul. If anyone is going to be there for the 2nd-the 4th, come find me, I’ll look forward to seeing you all.


Okay, so. My Facebook hetalia role play group is in need of new countries. At the time I'm writing this we are doing camptalia. We do a different rp every week. We do also do weekly activity check via our group admin. If you have any questions leave a comment or send me a PM. Thanks for reading!
          ~hasta la pasta!!


So I just had a "lovely chat" with a certain alakaywolf. He was being so very rude when I was just trying to under stand something and I believe he blocked me from sending him messages. He put a quiz on one of his stories and he gave the prize which was an oc X character in this case it was an oc X lapis lazuli oneshot and the person he gave it to didn't even answer like 6 questions when myself and others answered all of them and they were pretty much the same answers over and over again. Now you tell me if that was very fair and let me know if we should do anything about it. I wasn't trying to be rude or a hater because I love Steven universe just as much as the next guy and I just wanted to understand his reasoning for giving the prize to this person.


Yeah cause I answered every single question and I know for a fact I got them all right


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@Dan_Mama_1987 hmmm....... he might know this person in real life or just felt sorry yo bro I don't fucking know but that sucks ballz.