
Okay, i currently have Marauder’s brain rot and I’ve been listening to the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack at the same time…
          	Anyone else think about the fact ‘Loser, Baby’ is very Rosekiller coded?
          	Especially when thinking about Barry being Angel Dust. “You’re a Power Bottom at Rock Bottom.” “I sold my soul to a psychotic freak.”
          	Anyone else? No? Just me?


Okay, i currently have Marauder’s brain rot and I’ve been listening to the Hazbin Hotel soundtrack at the same time…
          Anyone else think about the fact ‘Loser, Baby’ is very Rosekiller coded?
          Especially when thinking about Barry being Angel Dust. “You’re a Power Bottom at Rock Bottom.” “I sold my soul to a psychotic freak.”
          Anyone else? No? Just me?


Did you change the Annabellle and Isaiah swan from Jasper x Anna to Embry x Anna?? 
          Cause I liked the Jasper one better but the embry one is ok but I miss the old version 


For some reason one of my fics ‘The Fifth Marauder’ has been taken down by Wattpad for Copyright. I am not sure why as it was my own fic that I have spent ages on creating and coming up with the idea. I have appealed it but it still upsets me that this has happened. If anyone has any idea on why this might have happened, please let me know. I can’t find my back up copy anywhere as my laptop has broken so I have no copies of anything anywhere for it.


@DisasterChild20 that's awful I'm zo sorry


Just out of curiosity, and you don't have to answer this, will you be updating The Princes Brother anymore at all? I only ask because I love it a lot


@KyleNew8 that makes more sense. Was very confused


@KyleNew8 I don’t have a fic where they get together…