
This is just for my friends.
          	Unfortunately I am unable to use my original Discord Account, so I had to make a new one.
          	I go by Dush.29/dush.29 on Discord and you will see a Possessed Amy as my profile.
          	I am sorry for the inconvenience and I apologize for that, but that’s how you can find me and again I am sorry.


Hey can you please send me a friend request please because it won’t let me send you one for some reason 


@Dush20 Well that sucks, shame that your original one got sent to the shadow realm.
          	  Anyways, I'll send a DM request to you when I remember to do so


This is just for my friends.
          Unfortunately I am unable to use my original Discord Account, so I had to make a new one.
          I go by Dush.29/dush.29 on Discord and you will see a Possessed Amy as my profile.
          I am sorry for the inconvenience and I apologize for that, but that’s how you can find me and again I am sorry.


Hey can you please send me a friend request please because it won’t let me send you one for some reason 


@Dush20 Well that sucks, shame that your original one got sent to the shadow realm.
            Anyways, I'll send a DM request to you when I remember to do so


Hey guys figured you should know what I’m doing and everything is fine.
          I have decided to make another schedule of how to go about updating right now that way I don’t forget or end up getting side tracked of what I’m gonna do.
          Here is the schedule or rather set-up that I’ll follow up on.
          Yandere Alphabet = First. Updates will be done here and a few things will change in the rules, so expect that at a much later point.
          Earth Section Remake = Second. Arc 1 Chapter 3 still needs work on a few sections in there as well as the fighting scenes.
          Shard-Verse = Third. I need to gather some more info as well as dialogue for it cause I need to explain some important stuff of what’s going on.
          Multiple Girlfriends and Multiple Girlfriends OG Plot = I will update those two as well, but it’s going to be at a much slower pace since I will have to properly explain what is going to happen and how it will go.
          Three possible new stories = Undecided. I may or may not make the new stories appear cause it’s something that will be very interesting and I thought you guys would like it, but it will remain undecided for now.
          That will be the schedule for now. If I do something as simple as this for a schedule of sorts or just pace myself in the right order things will go just as it should be.
          Also one more thing to anyone or anybody who has a problem with how I do things.
          If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything.
          I’m already trying to do what I can to update my stories and what do I find?
          You guessed it.
          The same thing I said before. I’m really getting sick and tired of people making those comments plus those who know my writing style or way of writing understand it’s MY choice NOT YOURS, SO QUIT LEAVING COMMENTS LIKE THAT!
          Have a nice day/night.


@Dush20 please take your time we will wait


@Dush20 well, I'm gonna wait then


Can’t wait to see more of the sonic X series story


I go by BakaRedHater.
            You’ll literally see an image of a Chibi Ophis on there.


@Dush20 What is your name there, please tell me


Okay guys, so for the Earth Section Remake Story it is getting an update, but I need y’all’s help with Arc 1 Chapter 3.
          Y/N’s fights against the Union version of ORC, but only two of them don’t want to hurt Y/N as they can tell he’s suffered enough.
          I am willing for you all to make a list of what Y/N should do to the ones he will hurt.
          Only two are spared.
          You may decide what he will do, but they are not allowed to die as they will be needed.
          Decide what Y/N shall do with them and remember only two are spared.
          I leave their fate in your hands. Make your choice now.


I will post something for it in and when it’s ready everyone can commit what they want and I will have a list of some crimes.
            Everyone will be allowed to add more to the list when it comes out.


Can you make a list of who can be spared and what crimes they committed against Y/N?


Hey guys I have good news today.
          If I can work fast enough I should be able to get another story updated, but this will be a long one and I’m hoping to get it out before the day is over or at the very least tomorrow.
          Have a nice day/night.


Alright guys I have good news and I knows it’s been SO LONG since I’ve made any story updates.
          The good news is that there will be an update for one story meaning you guys will have finally get something after a long and patient amount of waiting.
          Reason things are taking, so long is because of classes and I have to keep up with the work which I hope you can understand.
          You can expect one story to be updated either tonight or tomorrow, so be ready for it.
          Have a nice night and Happy Easter.


Oh ye, I understand that classes can be pain


@Dush20 I'm glad you're back man also Happy Easter Day to everybody


Sneak Peek
          Nagu was shaking badly and he started getting paranoid as he started running as he was starting to go insane.
          He reached the bridge and he was only halfway through until he got hit badly and was chained to the bridge as the lookalike of Y/N was standing in front of him.
          Y/N?: Do you remember this place?
          Static was shown as it showed Nagu to be wearing red and have a dark ended face while Y/N’s part was only shown as white eyes that were glowing.
          Y/N?: Do you remember what happened?
          Static was shown as the chain was snapped indicating someone broke the bridge.
          Y/N?: I remember.
          Static was shown as it was showing a hand to be Y/N’s indicating he was falling.
          It then showed the last one revealing Y/N to have been the IHY Luigi burning in the lava.
          Y/N?: Something to say?
          Nagu: Who are you?
          Y/N (TooLate.EXE): I'M YOUR DEAR BROTHER!


Thats a pretty good answer there @GoldenToySonic124, but I figured it’s only fair if people see something since I’ve been, so busy. Also your only right about the axe part.


@Dush20 Y/N then used the axe to drop Nagu into the lava and static showing Nagu's body burning. I know this is a spoiler comment.


Sorry if you guys saw that update just now. Unfortunately I accidentally published it and quickly unpublished it cause I was not done working on that One-Shot.
          As for updates on everything else for stories. School has me practically on pause for stories meaning I can’t work much on them, but I will do one thing at a time and just focus on one thing for now.
          For now I’ll focus doing one update at a time when I can.


I get guys it’s my birthday today and I wanna say that I’ll be busy spending the day with my family today. Updates may be on hold, but if possible I wanna get one thing updated just for y’all.
          Oh and happy birthday @Crimson-Pendragon-X


@ Dush20  happy birthday


I figured everyone may want an update on what’s going on. I’m doing alright physically and I have a little sneak peek for you guys.
          Sneak Peek for the GF Harem Earth Secrion Remake
          Nagu and Y/N: There’s a no
          Turning back
          We’ve gone too far
          Either run or attack
          My old star
          In the final moments
          I must throw away
          The choices I’ve been making
          Nagu: So you don’t drift away
          Y/N: For it all ends today
          Nagu: Y/N-
          Y/N: SHUT UP!
          Nagu: But-
          Y/N: ENOUGH!
          WHY WONT YOU DIE??!
          Nagu and Y/N: Brought out the
          Worst in ourselves
          All our morals
          Are shelved
          This crack
          Is the one that breaks me
          Nagu: I’ve done wrong
          I know it
          I can’t hide my tears I’ve blown it
          I know what
          I must
          Do to live
          I just hope that can forgive
          Y/N: This is the end
          No amends
          To be made
          I will live
          On my own
          Not a clone
          You think I can forgive?
          Y/N: I HATE YOU!
          [End of song]
          That’s the only sneak peek I will show right now and believe me when I say this. There are two specific things you must know.
          Y/N and an important individual will meet and the important individual y/N meets will be either an Allie or Enemy.
          Your welcome to try and figure out who this individual could be.


I know but I was saying whoever y/n meets will make him like Ihy Luigi but as for the person y/n meets I don’t know 


Good guess, but I forgot to mention this.
            Y/N is technically Luigi in this current life.
            The individual was also getting evidence that was needed as well as things needed to reveal the horrors that have really been going on.


My guess is he meets someone who turns him into a sort of Ihy Luigi personality 