
Are you guys ready to get back on track with chapters? I'm so excited to write this section of chapters because it will all happen at Christmas time, and Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love the winter weather and the time in general. I know we've made it the season of gifts, giving and receiving, and Santa Claus, but it's like receiving gifts at a birthday party that isn't your own (which was always my dream when I went to someone else's birthday party when I was a kid LOL). But I really hope that you guys enjoy tomorrow's chapter!
          	I'm going to be having a graduation party tomorrow, so during the week and the "hecticness," I've been writing and putting thought into something that isn't too stressful, which is this world that I've created and this world that you guys can escape to whenever you feel. I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on the progress. I'm open to criticism and would love to hear what you guys have to say about these characters, their separate storylines, etc!
          	I'm still doing shout-outs and such! I also have my Instagram, where I'm trying to post more, and I have a Spotify playlist where I post more songs to go along with while you guys are reading and escaping. I love you all, and I'm so grateful and thankful for your continued support of Christ's Rejects. You really don't understand how much it means to me <3 I hope you all have a good day or night and are safe and sound! BYEEEEEE!


Are you guys ready to get back on track with chapters? I'm so excited to write this section of chapters because it will all happen at Christmas time, and Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love the winter weather and the time in general. I know we've made it the season of gifts, giving and receiving, and Santa Claus, but it's like receiving gifts at a birthday party that isn't your own (which was always my dream when I went to someone else's birthday party when I was a kid LOL). But I really hope that you guys enjoy tomorrow's chapter!
          I'm going to be having a graduation party tomorrow, so during the week and the "hecticness," I've been writing and putting thought into something that isn't too stressful, which is this world that I've created and this world that you guys can escape to whenever you feel. I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on the progress. I'm open to criticism and would love to hear what you guys have to say about these characters, their separate storylines, etc!
          I'm still doing shout-outs and such! I also have my Instagram, where I'm trying to post more, and I have a Spotify playlist where I post more songs to go along with while you guys are reading and escaping. I love you all, and I'm so grateful and thankful for your continued support of Christ's Rejects. You really don't understand how much it means to me <3 I hope you all have a good day or night and are safe and sound! BYEEEEEE!


Stay tuned my lovelies! On June 1st, a new chapter, Christ's Rejects, is set to drop, so definitely mark that in your calendars ;) I love you all and I hope that wherever you are that you're safe and sound and that you all have a good day or night <3


It's official! I'm officially done with school!! I graduated Monday in a HUGE undergraduate ceremony with the entire ASU class of 2024 and then I graduated with the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism last Friday! 
          I'm still working on an investigative story that I've been working on this Spring, and once it's done, I am going to be doing nothing but writing. LOL, I've been sitting and wondering, "Now what?" I'm so glad to finally be done. I just didn't have it in me anymore: the tests, the stress, the deadlines, etc. I can have somewhat of a break (I still have to work, but it doesn't require a lot of brain power doing the work that I do right now LOL). But to anyone else who has graduated or is soon to graduate high school or college, CONGRATULATIONS! You guys deserve the reward you get for all of your hard work!
          I would say expect some new chapters to come the second week of June, so I can have time to rest and think about how to proceed with Ariel and Grayson's story. What are we thinking about everything so far? Do you guys like the way things are progressing? Let me know what you guys think! I love you all and hope you all have a great day or night and that in whatever you're doing you kick butt and take names ;)


I’m officially back to school after Spring Break and I’m going to be on hiatus again until May or whenever I get the chance to write and put my thoughts into the world that we’ve all dived headfirst into. I love you all! 
          Thank you for supporting me my story and my characters. I really put my all into each and every chapter. In each chapter, you’ll find a little portion of my heart. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story and that you all have a good rest of your week! Sending all of you guys big hugs and kisses ❤️


Also, don't forget to go to Christ's Rejects Playlist on Spotify, where you can listen to hand-picked music that I've selected as you read each chapter. These songs are big inspirations for my chapters, and listening to music helps me with whatever I may be doing throughout the day. What kind of music do you guys like? Any favorite artists or bands?


Act 3 of Christ's Rejects may easily be my favorite. I love the idea of Christmas. Writing about Christmas, the smells, and feelings is certainly not hard. I wish every day could be Christmas. What about you guys? What are some of your favorite holidays and why?


I've been so happy with the progress that I've made lately on Ariel and Grayson's story. We're all getting a break in this next Act...somewhat. Let me know what you guys think about it. I have also added new songs to go along with the chapters on the "Christ's Rejects Playlist" on Spotify. It's public, and anyone and everyone is free to use it as you read along. There are more songs on there than I can put on a chapter. How are you guys liking everything so far? Give me your honest opinions and tell me what you think! I wanted to give a shout-out to Sylveyet for the follow and for taking an interest in this story, I do hope you enjoy it :) Thank you to everyone for taking time out of your day to read and immerse yourself in this world that I've created. Love you all and I pray that your days are filled with safety and goodness <3


Hey guys! I'm officially on Spring Break, and I have one final class that I'm doing before I graduate. OMG! That's so wild saying that out loud. It doesn't feel like I'm graduating, I still feel like I should be in high school LOL. But I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow is the start of my promise to you guys, which was to publish whenever I had a chance. My brain is fried, but my thoughts about Ariel and Grayson's story are fresh. Caleb's POV will be published tomorrow at 10 a.m. MST, so stay tuned for that. Darcy's POV will also be published tomorrow. Then, after them all that will be left is Jessie and Mary and then we will be transitioning again. I'm so excited for what lies ahead for this story and these characters, their journey may hurt a little and I know they hate me for it, but the rewards are oh so sweet! You guys got to tell me what you're thinking about everything. Let me know if there are parts that are confusing or anything like that, though I edit as hard and heavily as I can these chapters are still very, very rough drafts, but any friendly criticism you guys have will be appreciated and welcomed with open arms! That's what we're all here for as we write and craft stories of our own, and I appreciate each and every one of you taking the time to read mine. I love you all and I hope you're having a great day or night wherever you may be and that you're happy, healthy and safe. Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow ;)


Hi ya'll! Sorry, I haven't kept in touch! I posted on my Instagram that there are two sneak peeks at the upcoming chapters. You have to go see them! I'm not sure when I'm going to post again because of school, but I don't think you guys will have to wait until May. I will only have 1 class left after the 28th, and then I'll be free for the remainder of that time! I'm so excited! I can't wait, but I just wanted to hop on here and let everyone know I haven't forgotten, and I'm thinking about you guys and the world that we share on here :) I love you all and I hope you're having a great day or night! Stay safe out there <3


Hi guys! Sorry for never posting or renewing any chapters. I will be very honest; it's been hard to write lately. I've been lacking in my creative muscle, and it's been hard to develop some good new chapters, but I've been thinking very hard about it. My goal for this year is to get "Christ's Rejects" published with a publishing company, so we'll see how well that goes. It's very expensive (LOL), no surprise there. But new chapters will be out in May; I'm in my senior year at ASU, and I'm working at the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., so that takes up a great deal of my time and energy, but fear not we'll be together soon as will Grayson and Ariel. They even told me they need an emotional break from all of the traumatic things I'm putting them through, LOL! But I'll try to post on my Instagram and let you guys see a little of what I'm doing and books that I'm reading for another class :) Thanks, guys, for the continued support and patience, especially! I hope you guys have a very nice day and that in whatever you are doing, whether it be school or work, you do an outstanding job!