
Last chapter of Desi love revival is uploaded, please go and shower it with you love and votes.


Hello people, Happy Maha Shivratri to everyone.
          Maha shivratri is an auspicious festival in Hinduism. It is celebrated in occasion of the wedding anniversary of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is believed that on this day, Shiva performed the Tandava, the cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction.
          I hope everyone have a peaceful and cheerful shivratri and destroy their inner demons to have a new start and good life.


Hey guys, Happy Republic day to everyone. I hope you guys enjoy this day however you like but don't hesitate to thank the people who sacrificed for this day.
          We celebrate Republic day on 26th jan, Republic Day symbolizes unity in diversity, emphasizing the principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. It serves as a reminder of India's commitment to democratic values and its journey towards progress and inclusivity.
           26th jan 1950 the day when as a country we accepted the constitution, which is world's largest hand written constitution.
          And Today, we are celebrating the 75th Republic day, so let's spread love and positivity and try to be a good citizen.
          Have a good day people.


Greetings of the day!
           My friend ( a new writer) is currently writing a story named "The Deep Desires" which is a Taehyung x Y/N fanfic ( vampire-idol based ) dark genre fanfic and was wondering if you would like to give it a read and follow her ! Attaching the link for convenience.
          Extremely sorry if I disturbed you and posting on your feed ^^ 
          Hope you are having a good day ♡


If you have time, I would be grateful if you could check my stories 